The Division Limit formula has been further refined. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. Fixed AST and IRE joining the TI while already a member of it. German East Asia must now not control any of its major states for Germanys treaty with Japan to fire. Fixed the decision for the Yemeni rebellion cancelling incorrectly. New voice-overs in Peninsular arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Swiss German, Icelandic, Azerbaijani, Farsi, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Khmer, Burmese, Amharic, Berber, Bambara, Albanian and Hindi language for their corresponding tags in-game, Tank models from Axis Tank DLCs are now in for German Empire, Japan and their own dependencies (the Italian ones are left aside for now), Fengtians Incorporate Local Patronage Networks focus now grants legitimacy, Reduced Prince Kotohitos chances of dying considerably, Fengtians Fortress Manchuria decision now gives only 1 bunker per tile, Fengtians The Grand Marshals Proclamation decision now displays its date limitation to the player, Fengtians Open the Propaganda Front decision now requires the suppression of the regionalist movement, Added stability and war support maluses for the higher levels of LEP Tsingtau Collaboration, Japanese aid cut to Fengtian now consumes fewer civilian factories, Fengtian can now denounce German Imperialism if GEA holds Qingdao, Converted a number of MTTH events to be triggered, improving performance, Hawaii can no longer join factions if at war, Added a line to the Legation Council decision category explaining the observer status of certain parties, Sudwestafrika now gets the same Colonial Government status as MAF and GEA, Increased the infrastructure in Dalian to compensate for Japan not being able to use Fengtian's air bases, Liangguang can now take its focus to join the KMT if CHI/YUN isn't a faction leader, Added Russian renames for Finland, the Caucasus and Constantinople, Added Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani renaming, The Chinese integration decisions now require actual ownership of the states, Hunan is actively being worked on and should come in a later hotfix, Fixed a large number of CTDs caused by bad templates for CHI, Fixed several syntax errors that would cause event chains in China to fire in the wrong order, Fixed the Legation Council being unable to remove Germany, Iceland has a few more restrictions on focuses, Mexicos totalist oil focus now cannot be taken if the oil decision has been taken first, and vice versa. Removed Auf Auf Zum Kampf, Der Rote Wedding and Einheitsfrontlied, Added new version of Hang out the Washing of the Siegfried Line, Fixed tags for some Chinese and Commonwealth music, Sardinia now has the EU IV color, instead of the exact same color as the Philippines, Added a mountain range in Northern Manchuria, New citylights over SAF, Eastern Coast of MAF, Egypt, Ottoman Empire, Arabia, North America, China, Europe and Australasia, Removed several Soviet-created towns VPs in Siberia, Several states have been changed around in the Caucasus, United Baltic Duchy generals have been fully reworked and replaced, Nerfed massively production cost of SHDNG carrier conversion with few other stats, Canada doesnt start with DP secondaries available for all their ships, The vanilla events/decisions regarding war support and stability have been added in Kaiserreich, with a few changes and tweaks -- so you should be getting strikes/mutinies/draft dodging if youre at war and your stability or war support is too low, etc, Changed the timing of Fengtians Shenyang Conference and its impact on the Anqing Clique, so now Anqing decides whether to commit to help Fengtian based on the conferences outcome, Fengtian now requires war support to begin the National Reclamation War, instead of needing to wait until 1938, Fengtians Mantetsu Influence idea now sends civilian factories to Japan once the right influence threshold is reached, Added an event for POR and SOM if they get land from MAF's collapse, Ported recent air and land doctrine tech changes from vanilla, A large number of dead files have been removed with other remaned, submods touching those files will need to be updated, Added an idea to help the post MAF nations finish their wars, Enabled a player to switch to Korea during the revolt if they so wish, Added a warning when Japan is about to declare war on you, Fengtian can now refuse the offer from the Legation Cities to occupy Tianjin in exchange for a malus, and if they do accept the malus can be removed, Fengtians war support and political power gain/loss have been adjusted, Fengtians events, decisions, and focuses now better accommodate a puppeted Japan, Japan can now stage an attack in the Legation Cities, Russian AI is no longer less likely to take Mass Assault doctrine, Mexico no longer stays with a Paternal Autocrat government in case the campesinos war ends early, The leader descriptions have been standardized to not include date of birth, Events for micronations are now triggered by other events and have been broken up into their respective files, When Wallonia is taken over by Lahaut and goes Totalist it now leaves its faction and any wars its in, so Germany can now declare war on it if need be, Updated the code for Serbia, Romania, Italy, and Poland to watch for each others opportunity to attack Austria (mainly to keep up to date with Italys new decision for it), Japanese AI now far less likely to start a war with the Reichspakt or the Entente over Hawaii or Philippines, The AI will no longer spend PP on improving relations unless its over 200 PP, The Italian Republic now has a dockyard to start, Adjusted Two Sicilies AI weights for its focus tree, so it focuses more on the political and economic sections and doesnt simply do focuses at random, It is no longer possible for four separate Australasian delegations to appear at the Legation Council, Fixed an issue preventing Transamur from breaking free and progressing through their tree, Fixed an issues causing generals that werent meant to have trait being randomly given one, Fixed several CTDs caused by bad OOBs in China, Fixed British/Canadian annexation of Australasia, Fixed instance of Latvian and Estonian AI stalling out when the Baltic War begins, Monobe/Tokachi cruisers are now properly classified as Cruisers, Correction of starting naval techs (especially carriers) for multiple tags, Restored missing ships for SRI and ITA, re-classified PAP ships, GXC summoned peasant militias will actually spawn now, Zhang Zongchang no longer shows up at Shenyang if he was already defeated, Fixed an issue where you could get unlimited cores as the Left Kuomintang via aligned puppets, Fixed river crossing issue in one of the Indian border states, Fixed Legation Cities country paths not working correctly, West Indies Federation can no longer request ships from a non-allied Canada, Adjusted Greek referendum focus so its no longer cancelled if Greece goes to war halfway through the focus, Fixed bad event id for Saudi caliphate focus, If Japan releases Fengtian, any cosmetic tag it had will now be dropped, SRI Radical Socialist government no longer receives secular event, Nepal now has a peace event for its war with Dominion of India and the Entente, Australasia now automatically becomes a republic when released as a puppet (so no more Governor-General heads of state or British flags), Fixed SRIs Fifth Congress so it doesnt break if all three events arent picked the same way, and so its now possible to stalemate just like in the Fourth Congress, A new icon for Qings Gongxian Arsenal focus, A new icon for the LEPs Krupp and Deutsch Asiatische focuses, A new icon for Yunnans FuDian Bank Reorganization focus, Fixed radio stations names not showing up correctly with certain combinations of mods, Changed Ulster to its Northern Ireland jurisdictions, Moved Derry VP to its proper place on the coast, Moved a lake province from Hejiang to Vladivostok to avoid issues with the integration decisions, Almost all Brazilian leaders, both for Brazil itself and the splinter states, now have leader descriptions, Buffed Mongolia in multiple ways to make it a little easier to fight the Ma Clique and easier for the AI to survive, Alash Orda, Georgia now start with a Field Marshal, Added an event for China to peace out with the Legation Cities western coalition. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. Nestor Makhno is now a general for Patagonia. The Ottomans no longer justify on Azerbaijan. Tweaked the effect of the Union of Britains Controlling the Skies national spirit. A South African event now properly fires from the Election focus. Added new economic decisions for Argentina. Fixed Centroamerica getting more than four ministers. Fixed a missing response in a Romania event. Fixed a Portugal focus spawning forts on the wrong province. Diversified the CSA event pictures a bit. Alsace is now part of the Northern France strategic region. Fixed syndicalist South Africa / Australasia / West Indies Federation retaining Imperial opinion modifiers when socialist. Fixed Luigi Sansonettis portrait for the Papal States. Fixed a crash bug caused by a bad Bulgarian event picture at the start of the Balkan War. The player can still join factions manually via the inbuilt Kaiserreich State Transfer Tool. Fixed mismatched effect and text in the Manchu Qing events and decisions to attack the Ma Clique and Concessions. Serbia now gets a core on Montenegro if it's returned by an annexation. Warring tags present at the unification conference may be asked to end their wars by Zhang Zuolin. Georgia, if theyre in the Reichspakt, can not declare on Armenia. This was done primarily for the sake of visibility: using the compliance system only made it difficult for some Russian players to determine how to get cores. Fixed the missing name for Totalist Austria. Added a starting tank company for Liangguang. Added some post-Cairo Pact War decisions for the Ottomans to develop Jerusalem. Fixed Field Marshals of integrated Chinese splinters not being demoted to generals. Fixed Iraq pulling the Reichspakt into Egypt's wars. Fixed Bolivia being locked out of its political tree if the NatPop coup happens after Rewrite the Constitution is completed. Fixed Yang Yuting being usable as a minister when he is dead. Patagonia now has stronger starting templates, and now with Internationale equipment. Fixed the USA being able to choose foreign policy before deciding on keeping Mac or not. Polish republicans and socialists now can integrate new territory more easily compared to the monarchists and nationalists. Instead of giving occupation penalties when they time out, annexation missions will now fire the respective country/region/state's event (the same event given when the decision is selected). Fixed the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire event bypassing the news settings. NatPop Italian Republic can now join Moscow Accord, if the Socialist Republic of Italy does not exist. Certain Polish national foci are now locked behind the Renegotiate Economic Treaties national focus. Fixed the other factions within Romanias PNT now joining the dominant faction in government, if they win the election. Adjusted the stats for some Scottish commanders. Political ministers can no longer be added manually so performance cost-heavy checks could be removed. Fixed the Netherlands' PatAut tree not unlocking after the March on The Hague. Fixed a few broken shadows on some National Spirit icons. The releasing nation now gets a seat on the Council, so now anybody can be on it. Canadian Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham, Field Marshal Edmund Ironside, and General Claude Auchinleck, are now instead included in the roster of the Union of Britain. Fixed Armenia remained a vilayet after the defeat of the Ottomans. Finlands MarLibs are now lead by Heikki Ritavuori instead of Kaarlo Juho Stahlberg. Until then, enjoy KR without needing to roll back anymore! You have to start as Yunnan and make them rebel to play their limited content, Irelands doctrine bonuses have now been reassigned to the correct path, If the Germans and Entente fall to invasion, the Ottomans no longer have to pay their debts back to their governments in exile anyway just to be a good sport, Mexico can no longer invade CEN if its a puppet, Patagonias starting focus no longer sets you to War Economy, instead youre given an idea to buff you instead, The Kingdom of Spain and CNT-FAI trees have been nerfed, The Rally the Country event should no longer fire for any country after the British king has been captured, Peace event for Bulgaria to win the Balkan war can now still fire even if Serbia is not capitulated last, and another Belgrade Pact country currently is leader, Fixed a rare instance where the war between Hungary and Austria could be invalidated, leading to an independent Hungary and no resolution to the Ausgleich event chain, Sweden can no longer drag the Reichspakt or the Third Internationale into wars with their faction-joining decisions, If the UK demands return of colonial lands from a puppet, that demand is now forwarded to the puppets overlord instead, The Greek rebel state is now auto-annexed by Greece if the war has been caused to somehow invalidate through outside interference, The LEP should no longer capitulate with Qing while together in a faction, GEA and Mittelafrika now start in the Reichspakt, as the bugs needing them to be out of the faction have since been fixed, Restored the possibility of taking control of puppet forces, with exceptions - puppets of Austria, China or Russia are not controllable, The German Empires Mitteleuropa and Japans Co-Prosperity Sphere now have a unique GUI that shows a list of countries involved and its effects, Focus times on the French, British and German trees have been shortened, Eastern European states have had their trees further restructured, Portrait updates: Emperor Hirohito (JAP), Justas Paleckis (LIT), Ioan Mihail Racovita (ROM), Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (ROM), Cristian Racovski (ROM), Alexander Vasilevsky (SOV), Garegin Nzhdeh (ARM), Arturo Puga (CHL), Bartolome Blanche (CHL), Jean-Pierre Esteva (NFA), C. Rajagopalachari (MAD), Periyar Ramasavy (MAD), Minoo Misani (DEH), Fazlul Huq (BHC), Pedro III (BRA), Eleazar Lopez Contreras (VEN), Jose Aguero (PRU), Dwight Eisenhower (USA), Joseph Wainwright (USA), Joseph Stillwell (USA), William Leahy (USA), Willis Augustus Lee (USA), John Lesesne DeWitt (USA), Ernest King (USA), Henry Wallace (USA), Daniel Van Voorhis (USA), Walter Krueger (USA), William Halsey Jr. (USA), George Marshall (USA), We have begun the process of slowly replacing all remaining vanilla portraits used by the mod. Netherlands - economic and military trees. Fixed the layout of the Zimbabwe army tree. The French Republic now frees all puppets before leaving the faction upon their collapse. Added republican Heads of State for puppet Japan. Song Zheyuan is now a general in Shanxi. Added new leader and party descriptions to the Left Kuomintang, and adjusted the various groups represented by each ideology. Forming Greater Germany as Austria is now costlier. Fixed New Englands Main Battle Tanks and Tank Destroyer national focuses giving tech bonuses for a technology the player is required to have. Douglas MacArthur is now a member of the Republican party candidate for the presidency, instead of a Democrat. Fixed Canadas Robert Manion taking over from the king, when Bennett retires. Updated Indian national foci to create railways appropriately. Fixed Insulindia being able to join factions it's at war with. Changed the Socialist Republic of Italys short form of its name to Socialist Italy. TAN can now integrate China if led by a Han regime, The Gruppa di Difesa Della Donna template added for the SRI is no longer locked, SRI can no longer join the Third Internationale if it declares war on a fellow socialist country before joining the faction, All SRI decisions to build factories now require PP and civilian_factory_use, and take longer to build; they no longer need to be done only one at a time, however, The bonuses provided by many SRI economic and military ideas have been significantly nerfed across the board, Italian focuses which add resources have been moved to decisions, so they can be available to other tags if/when Italy is united, Legionary Italy now gets its navy back from Venice, upon taking Venice during the revolt, Fixed Portugal not joining the Entente if MAF is dead, again, The Netherlands no longer trade with their enemies, Fixed Japan's collapse resurrecting a dead Russia in Transamur, ROM can no longer release Greater Hungary, ANI Italy actually tries to beat Venice, for real this time, America can now actually ask for their vote back in the Legation Council, Fixed Legation Council vote timer appearing for nations not on the Council, Austria can still do their Secret Deal path. Fixed several Left Kuomintang national spirits using the wrong conscription effect. Fixed Socialist Italy's starting carrier having no air wings. Decreased the manpower buffs in Monarchist Bulgaria slightly. Syria no longer starts controlling the Damascus province. Tweaked Albanias red colour so that it is more red, and less similar to Croatias. Fixed the Fate of Pressburg decision erroneously referring to Austria, when Vienna is controlled by Germany. Chile can now set up an Ecuadorian government-in-exile. Lengthened the debuff to Manchu-led Qing for defaulting on their debt. Tweaked the ship types that some major naval powers should invest in. Fixed Russia never attacking Lithuania and peacing out with certain nearby countries. We cant guarantee such a rapid release schedule in the future, we are after all a group of volunteers working in our spare time, but wed like to think this represents just how much our standards and practices have improved as a team. Anatolian pro-Ottoman and Iraqi anti-Ottoman Kurds now kill each other in the Cairo Pact war, while both also fighting the Ottomans and Iranians. Fixed Mittelafrika and Portugals Bush War not counting as being finished. Fixed Russia getting Kuban when split into Russia and Siberia. Updated Paraguays national focus trees, changing the effects, icons, tooltips and the layout of the initial tree. Jabal Shammar no longer loses its claims on Arabia when re-puppeted by the Ottomans. The Legation Council is reformed with the French Republic as a member, should a puppet Legation Cities be released by a member of the Entente. Fixed Huey Long not being properly removed from a puppet USA. Updated the setup for Japanese cores in Korea. Fixed Yunnan having an integration decision available too early because of a missing flag. Improved the USA AI in using their war decisions. None of the commands I've tried don't work besides the social democrat one what are the ones to put in for the other ideologies? Fixed Mittelafrika being demilitarised, despite not existing. Fixed the missing portrait for Rhodesias Ernest Guest. Bulgaria can no longer core Constantinople. Added victory points for Maribor and Bregenz in Austria. Fixed Carlist Spain being given the wrong name and colour after winning the civil war or the election. Fixed French Republic cores regaining the colonial resistance modifier. Paraguays generals now are more suited to forests than swamps. The CSA's code now accounts for a SocDem Mexico. Reduced the chances of de La Rocque winning the nomination for the French Republic, if the PSF was neutralised. Fixed a Qing event displaying incorrectly. Slightly reduced the amount of manpower and maximum efficiency bonuses that NatPop Romania receives. Escalating the Propaganda War now doesnt talk about the Qing and Puyi when they arent in power. Fixed a broken manpower modifier for the French Republic. This will force it to demobilize, at least for a while. Allowed for the Halifax Conference to take place outside of Canada, if Canada has fallen, The UK will now get the same Irish IRA issues as Union of Britain, if it annexes all of Ireland, USA passing the tariff act or reaching a compromise with Canada will now affect AI Canadas chances of supporting the USA in the ACW, Canadas monarchy decisions are no longer allowed if it is a puppet or otherwise not in the Entente, Fixed a bug with Yunnans improved Kunming Arsenal not showing its icon on researched equipment, Added a missing localization entry for an army national idea of Yunnan, Fixed a bunch of decisions for various countries that were not being taken by the AI, even though they otherwise worked, Venice and Lombardy now inherit the Austrian influence idea if it is still held by Italy when it peacefully dissolves after the failed ANI coup. Added a tooltip to Russias Realpolitik national focus, to better explain how it differs from Expansionism. Fixed Nasir Shah regaining his First Reformer trait even after its removal in the Kumul Khanate focus tree. Fixed Johor being referred to by its German name even if German East Asia is dead. The Russian Far East can now be given to Transamur if the latter is an ally. Japan can no longer offer peace if capitulated or not a faction leader. West Indies Federation can now peace out with Canada via event once they take the Join the Internationale focus. Decreased the completion time for the Left Kuomintangs First National Elections national focus. GEA and MAF will now peace out with enemies properly when Germany falls, also made some edits to fix up who Russia will peace out with in that case. Fixed a terror event not firing for Spain. Fixed a crash to desktop from Finland spawning ships requiring a non-owned DLC. The Socialist Party of America is now a leftist broad tent that fractures if the CSA wins. Fixed the Eastern European international division having nowhere to spawn. Implemented Irregulars into the Ottoman divisions. Increased the AI weight for going down Greeces foreign policy tree. Fixed Shanxi annexing the Ma Clique if a player Mongolia/Tibet refuses the Ma Clique peace event. Added Lderitz as a Victory Point for South West Africa. Added a notification event for American Civil War participants, for when Mexico intervenes on behalf of the Combined Syndicates. Greece will now be targeted for annexation by Austria in peace conferences. Removed Transylvanian resistance from Serbian-controlled West Banat. Germany will now place less troops on the East and more on the French border. Lowered the cost of several democratic Romania decisions. DEI and HOL now start with the same naval techs. Paraguay can now intervene in the Brazilian civil war. Fixed China getting a non-controlled Taiwan in the Entente peace deal. Marginalising the Parti Social Franais before reconquering the Mtropole as the French Republic now makes Paul Reynaud the Second in Command, rather than the Assemble Nationale. Fixed Russia guarding against a neutral Lithuania. Fixed Australasia, Assyrian, Belgian, Bhutanese, British, Burmese, Canadian, Ceylonese, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, El Salvadorian, Finnish, German, Greek, Haitian, Hawaiian, Honduran, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Nepalese, Nicaraguan, Rhodesian, Russian, Sardinian, Scottish, Serbian, South African, Syrian, Turkish, and West Indies commanders and admirals having inappropriate stats for their levels. Fixed Mesopotamias weather so that it no longer gets Russian winters. Reflection of the Moon in the Erquan Pool is the new main theme. Replace X with the letter that represents the ideology or . Fixed the American Union State trying the Federalist generals twice. Fixed the Chilean Crisis not firing for Brazil. Restored all Brazilian leader descriptions accidentally deleted. Fixed black-coloured text showing up on tooltips with dark backgrounds. Fixed a Shanxi response event not firing for Qing. Added "Hej, Strzelcy Wraz! Fixed the unit limit bonus tooltip not appearing. Tweaked the AIs default division composition and land doctrines. Fixed rump Bulgaria starting Entente-Reichspakt wars. Fixed Cubas Ramn Grau San Martin not being promoted during March on Havana. Added other news events for a potential Third Weltkrieg, the unification of Central America, the formation of the Moscow Accord, the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, the shelling of Algiers by the French State, the Insulindian revolution, the Independence of Iceland, the fall of the French Republic, the LKMT/RKMT Yunnan uniting China, the French Republic, Canada and Russia intervening in the Weltkrieg, the Collapse of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and the Mau Mau war. German East Asian capitulation will now remove any Tsingtau Collaboration national spirits from the League of Eight Provinces. German East Asian generals and admirals can now flee to Germany, if the colony falls. Fixed the US Progressives having no foreign minister. Lithuania now tag-switches to Poland, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is formed. Fixed MarLib Fengtian forming the Anguojun. The French Republic's compliance-boosting foci now affect Tunisia as well. Fixed a few inverted trade modifiers for the League of Eight Provinces. Enjoy! The United Kingdom choosing direct rule over Ireland won't make the annexation decision appear again. Fixed USA releasing Puerto Rico with NatPop ministers. France now attacks Belgium and the Netherlands together. The ideologies assigned to the political parties in the participants of the American Civil War have been standardised and restructured. Clarified the game rule requirements for Estonia, Latvia and the PSA. Fixed Bolivia paying infinite war reparations to Paraguay. Yankee Revolt for Canada now uses a state modifier with an icon. Fixed the Polish socialist uprising news event having two responses. Added Xing Shilian and Liu Zhenhua as generals for Qing. Removed a random 5% chance for Norway not being accepted into the Internationale. Yunnan loses the div-limit bonus later to accommodate the current formula better. Fixed Russia losing its starting cores on the Don-Kuban Union. The Trucial States are now released by any non-socialist foreign power as PatAut.