Controlling your odor is an even bigger issue during the hot summer months when plenty of folks are hog hunting. Another option is to pound small stakes into the ground and spray the stakes. Groundhogs can climb, but theyre not the most graceful. Strep Meningitis, Swine Dysentery respectively. Their sense of smell is so good, pigs can discriminate between mint, spearmint, and peppermint with 100 percent accuracy during academic testing. Avoid growing crops that pigs enjoy, such as strawberries and other sweet fruit. Luckily for me, Vito isnt the biggest pest in my life. After white-tailed deer, feral pigs are the most popular big game animal in North America, though existing patchy data hardly bear out the true extent. Can you hunt over corn in North Carolina? Either way, you should be practicing proper scent control if you plan on getting close and personal with the hogs. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. SMELL Wild hogs possess one of if not the strongest highly developed senses of smell of any animal you will hunt, capable of detecting certain odors in excess of 5 miles away. What is the best place to shoot a wild hog? Keeping Skunks Away from Your Home with a Cayenne Pepper Mixture. A hogs sense of smell is so powerful because it can pick up scents from a long distance away. Wild hogs have nocturnal behavior. This one is my favorite tip but if you can wear your hunting clothes in front of a bonfire before a hunt, do so! The pigs that we have in the United States, whether classified as "domestic," "feral," or "wild," all belong to the same species: Sus scrofa.This pig's native range extended across much of Europe, Asia, and North Africa, with island populations from Corsica and the British Isles to . As we stated above, they have a great sense of smell, and they are large, aggressive animals that can come charging at high speeds which means that if you are planning on hunting or trapping these wild hogs, you must be careful with the techniques that you are aiming to use. Groundhogs can cause real problems for home vegetable and flower gardeners. For this reason, sound equipment with loudspeakers can be quite useful in large areas damaged by the presence of these wild pigs. When its windy, your chances on finding hogs decrease dramatically. Eliminate/minimize shadowing when night hunting and exercise awareness re: sound generation. Wild/feral hogs are extremely intelligent animals, like most animals they can also become creatures of habit therefore over time they can be "patterned" as to their movement preferences, feed times, travel patterns etc. But scent deterrents use natural ingredients that you may already have lying around the house. Groundhogs are sometimes confused with beavers, prairie dogs, marmots, and badgers. Habitat Groundhogs generally prefer wooded or grassy areas. This site is owned and operated by Pest Pointers LLC | is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to They are very good at adapting to their habitats and adjusting to the weather that their region brings them, and that is why their numbers are growing at an outrageous rate. The groundhogs will see a distorted reflection of themselves in the jar, which could trick them into thinking another animal is in the garden. Annuals fill the garden with flowers and fragrance from early spring until fall's first frost. Confident hog hunters accurately shooting well within their comfort zone might consider sending a well-placed round directly into the recessed spot behind a hogs ear. Again, experiment with different products and techniques. They are capable of sensing odors five miles away and able to detect food sources several feet underground. They can trample and uproot crops, springs, and creeks, and many times this means going over homes and business that are in close proximity to humans, livestock, or watering facilities. Visit our Terms and Conditions for more information. Although landowners can use the shooting to reduce the groundhog population or to maintain a low population of groundhogs where necessary, shooting is not the best way to eradicate groundhogs. Dating as far back as the times of the Roman Empire, domesticated pigs, related to todays wild hogs, were used to hunt for truffles underground. Regardless of the establishment of or lack of a home-range feral/wild hogs are movers and they rely heavily on their senses to survive. Now, we know what youre probably thinking Why would I care if hogs have sweat glands or not? Keep this in mind when you are preparing or traversing to and from your hunting area or stand. You can bend the top foot of fencing outward to make it more effective. While, Is a 26 or 28 inch shotgun barrel better? Plus, with how smart and mischievous these guys are, it is nothing short of fun. David is the main protagonist of the Duck Season game. Feral/wild hogs hearing is keen enough to detect a fairly loud whisper @ around 100 yards, human voice above a whisper and they are GONE. What are wild hogs afraid of? To deter the pigs, clean up any fallen or overripe fruit or veggies. D/CODEconsists of scientifically-proven Field Spray, Body Wash & Shampoo, and other scent-elimination products, that when used together, provide an effective scent-elimination solution. They DO NOT deter wildlife. Even though their hearing isnt as good as their sense of smell, it is still considered their second best sense. Pigs that are seriously ill may reduce water intake or suffer excessive fluid loss e.g. If you havent read my article on hunting hogs in the rain, I think you should do so. Garrett Boelkes of Last Breath TV shares his unique techniques for creating a mock scrape. Always keep a bottle ofCode Blue Smoke Detectorin your pocket to ensure that you're still playing the wind properly. This includes our own. Also, there are many times Ive hunted hogs, barely followed my own tips, and still bagged a hog. However, since then, the truffle hunting job has been given to dogs due to the pigs natural instinct to root up the land looking for food. The Epsom salt won't do anything harmful to a groundhog, as it's a natural product. The feral or wild hog (scientific name Sus scrofa) is a mammal belonging to the Suidae family, which also includes pigs. Feral Hunting: Yes; it is legal to kill feral hogs on your own property and on public lands where hunting is allowed. My field experience has proven that wild hogs often detect movement at distances up to 100 yards, not sensing immediate danger this distant movement has little if any impact on their actions. Wild hogs are known for using their snouts to root through vegetation and find food. The smell is what keeps it off the list of groundhogs' favorite foods, although they do occasionally eat them. Here are some of the known groundhog attractants: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Commercial Wildlife Repellents. Another tactic is to bend the fence in an L-shape at ground level, extending 2 feet from the garden. In contrast, in times of drought only the leading females reproduce. He is the 11, A person must be at least 18 years of age to hunt with (possess), High-powered rifles are must-haves when going out hunting. Feral/wild hogs use of monocular (both eyes independent) results in hogs being very aware of close movement in their field of vision (130 degrees). Pet food left outside attracts the attention of pigs as well as other opportunistic critters. Boar taint is the offensive odor or taste that can be evident during the cooking or eating of pork or pork products derived from non-castrated male pigs once they reach puberty. Dont worry; no live animals will be involved on your part! No one wants a tomato that tastes like hot sauce and mustard, right? B., & Curtis, P. D. (2021). Hello everybody. Few other animals have as well evolved and refined a sense of smell as do swine. They don't exhibit signs of poor eyesight and they certainly are no where close to blind as some articles will lead you to believe. , Bow and Arrow Hunting hogs with bow and arrow is a thrill that challenge-seeking hunters love. Keep the meat as dry as possible too, he says. Fence Depth:As we mentioned before, groundhogs like to dig. You can often find it at home improvement stores if you would rather go to a brick-and-mortar store. Mint and Oregano 8. In reality, wind tends to swirl and constantly change direction in which it blows. Hawk decoys are another option. Sweet corn is a staple in hog baits, because hogs can easily recognize the smell. How do banks earn a profit from lending money to their customers? However, if youre into homebrews or want to save a little money, you can easily make your own putrescent egg spray at home. Although groundhogs do a lot of good for the environment, in certain situations, they can become a nuisance and a pest. Managing domesticated hogs as free ranging livestock is not a common practice any more. But unlike many plant-foraging animals, they use this sense of smell to stay away from predators more than to find food. Why do groundhogs come to my yard and garden? Although they have solve the problem of deterring wild hogs, they may have a negative effect on the local ecology. Those who have cattle and other livestock or horses may be concerned about groundhogs as well. Lets check out all the scents and smells they dislike so you can start deterring them today! Farmers would complain like they do nowadays when the wild hogs root up the land looking for their own truffles.. By using scents, you can set yourself up in the best position possible to put that trophy buck down for the count! And it does! Considering many hog populations that are becoming hard to control are in the south (Texas, Alabama, etc. For example, black pepper can simply be sprinkled around your garden to deter groundhogs. This may be a bit time-consuming and use a lot of pepper, but the effects should be pretty instantaneous. This site is owned and operated by Hog Hunting For Beginners. if you do not disrupt there senses. Patterning is only possible if they establish a home-range (wild hog home ranges vary from 4-6 square miles) a home-range will only be established if there is plenty of food, water, escape cover and the area is not subjected to excessive hunting pressure. For those of you who plan on stalking hogs in their nests, this is a question you may be asking yourselves. Please consult a pest control professional before applying any tactics from 00:00 - What do groundhogs hate the most?00:39 - What will scare groundhogs away?01:10 - Will bubble gum kill groundhogs?01:42 - Does Irish Spring soap keep . Think of the consistency of scrambled egg mix. Make sure to clean your washer out beforehand and clean out any residue. PB1624 Managing Nuisance Animals and Associated Damage around the Home. As mentioned above, there are similarities between deer and hogs. In fact, its more likely that the one groundhog you see is the only one around. According to theUniversity of New Hampshire, groundhogs love beans, alfalfa, clover, dandelions, peas, broccoli, and tomatoes, among others. This guy right next to me? Hogs love to wallow in the mud. The corn will soak up most of the beer, and be ready for spreading. In some areas, the problems caused by wild hogs have increased as due to crossings with domestic pigs. They are terribly afraid of humans and will vacate as soon as they detect human presence. Hogs might not have the best eye sight out of the game that we hunt, but they do have very good noses. According the researchers at Texas A&M, hogs can sense odors that are as far away as 5-7 miles, and can detect odors underground as deep as 25 feet. These products are great if you dont have the time or patience to make your own homemade repellent. Heres How. This nocturnal behavior means that one of the best time to hunt wild hogs is often when they are feeding at night. If you have any extra, be sure to store it in the fridge. Hogs do not only use their strong sense of smell to smell whats in front of them but below them as well. Groundhogs are also confused with woodchucks. There are products out there that hunters swear by while others will condemn the same products totally. That makes sow estrous a suitable attractant year-round. Pigs have a terrific sense of smell and are attracted to the fruits and veggies you are growing especially overripe ones. Depending on what scents pass through its nose, a hog will either go towards the source, or keep as far away as possible. Do feral hogs kill snakes? Talcum Powder 3. Texas A&M suggests that hunters who are trapping wild hogs use traps with 90 degree corners must be covered on top because the pigs tend to pile up in that corner and literally climb over each other and the corner gives enough leverage for them to go over the top.. Hogs are aggressive in a way that deer aren't. Infection can set in and this can be lethal. This can include seeds and animals buried in the ground. The opening should not allow corn to free-flow from the bag, just large enough to release a couple kernels as the bag is jostled about. They have also been known to jump over fences that are less than 3 feet high, and researchers have sighted wild hogs making their way out of traps that were 5 to 6 feet high. Lets break these senses down. One of Pompi's friends, Delvin, a doughy guy with red cheeks and khaki shorts sagging at his rear, climbs down from the cab. 4. If you find a suitable wallowing location, it's a natural candidate for some scent. As they predate upon or scavenge animal carcasses, they can easily break bones and often consume the entire carcass, often leaving little if any sign behind. Hogs normally will not awaken to a foreign scent in their sleeping area if its not overbearing. Frightening devices are less effective on groundhogs than other critters, but they do still work and are great to pair with other deterrents. Lazy, right? Skatole may also be detected in gilts, but this is linked with faecal contamination of the skin. Fences can also be installed and are highly effective in preventing the access of these animals. The smell of smoke is a good scent masker. TheGold Solar Powered Owlis a great addition to any fence or scent deterrent. Fact 6: Many Wild Hogs Are Becoming Nocturnal. For nearly a century, scientists have investigated chemicals that can fell big, vertebrate pestsparticularly feral swine. Often times this means crossing over to farms, crops, and fields. Anecdotal evidence points to one of the strangest frightening devices. What smells do pigs hate? What do hogs hate? Whats the best spray to get rid of groundhogs? Hogs are creatures of habit. This is best applied to completely dry plants. Table 9. In the warm months, you cant spray down enough with scent-eliminating spray. Some of the most common types of these plants are: Spider plant, Hornwort, bladderwrack, bearberry, and rattleweed. I have tested most cover scents on the market, while some do seem to perform most fail to perform as advertised. (2) foraging on the ground - fruits of woody species, fungi, small animals, vertebrate carrion, etc. No matter which method you like to use to pursue hogs, there is typically a time and place to use hog scents, too. Does cayenne pepper keep hogs away? Click to attach a photo related to your comment, domestic pigs, feral hogs are very intelligent, How to Get Rid of Rats Naturally Without Harming Them. It is like kryptonite to Super Man. Applying scent at a location where they are known to travel through can help stop them long enough for a shot. In turn, Americans kill pigs at an astonishingly vicious pace. Use soap and shampoo right before your hunt that specializes in killing your human scent. If you have sufficiently technologically advanced equipment, it could be possible to set up a trigger where the presence of an animal sets off the noise. To deter the pigs, clean up any fallen or overripe fruit or veggies. If youre unsure about your groundhog problem or if you dont think you can handle it on your own, get help from a professional! I only mention that only if the wind is perfectly linear and blows in one direction the majority of the day. Smoke Wrap Up What Smells Keep Woodchucks Away - 9 Natural Ways So, let's read it out what woodchucks hate to smell, and then we can fix your woodchuck issue without any glitch! Keeping dogs and allowing them to urinate in the surroundings could therefore scare these animals away. Wild hogs, wild pigs, feral pigs, feral hogs, razorbacksthey go by many names, but one thing is certain, they cause a lot of property damage. Photograph by Ryan Brook. (3) rooting - rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, corms, invertebrate larvae, small fossorial vertebrates, etc. Once this product dries, we humans cant really smell it, so no need to worry about a rotten egg scent around your garden! They include: Bearberry, bluebird's weed, cinchona bark, iris, liverwort, mountain laurel, Valerian, and more. It'll be up to you to apply theses facts to your individual hunting style. Minimize shadows to improve night hunting success rates. Sodium nitrite (NaNO2) is a meat preservative commonly used to cure meats such as sausage and bacon. . Problems only arise when groundhogs begin burrowing near the foundation of your home or if they find their way into your garden. There are plenty of commercially available products likeI Must Garden Groundhog/Woodchuck Repellent, where the main ingredient is whole eggs. Whereas using the wrong scent during deer season can blow your chances of getting that trophy, a sow can breed every four months. But when you go to pull it apart, watch out. Even more acutely, however, they have excellent hearing. It corresponds to the genus Sus, a type of even-toed ungulate animal. Vinegar 4. Three feet should be enough to deter them. This results in more pregnant females and, therefore, more offspring per litter. Its for this reason that youll want to use more than one deterrent to really keep these troublesome pests out of your yard and garden. Therefore, now that you know why we believe this game is important to hunt (and if you havent read that last blog yet, click here before moving on), we want to provide you with crucial facts that we believe will elevate your future hog hunts. To use predator urine to repel groundhogs, be sure to follow all the directions on the label. It will just work to drive away the groundhog if you sprinkle it around the perimeter of your garden. However, it is important to remember that these animals seek to reproduce and maintain their numbers, just like any other species. Pouring scent around bait, or at any location, can put hogs at ease. Feral hogs are credited anecdotally with good, but not great eyesight. FERAL/WILD HOG SENSE OF SMELL, SIGHT, AND SOUND. Sweet corn is a staple in hog baits, because hogs can easily recognize the smell. The problem with this educational approach is that there are twice as many myths as there are facts out there regarding the challenges created by the senses of the feral hog. Their burrows can be extensive, up to thirty feet in length, but one burrow system cannot bring down a house. Spiders! All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! There are many different ways these sneaky little arachnids find their way into your, Read More 9 Different Ways That Spiders Get Into Your HomeContinue, If youve recently moved to a new area and noticed pigeons nesting nearby, or you have lived somewhere for a while and noticed pigeons always, Read More How Long Pigeons Nest For (And If They Reuse The Same One)Continue, When mother nature made chipmunks, she added an extra dash of cuteness! Primarily herbivores, they will occasionally eat smaller rodents and insects. The range of how far a hog can smell decreases and water forming puddles blocks smells from underneath the ground. Corn will "sour" once soaked for several days, creating a smell that will attract hogs but keep other animals, such as deer, away. In this way, we humans are often responsible for altering their habits. And once this product dries, you will not be able to smell the rotten egg scent. They eat almost any plant material and are especially fond of tomatoes. Masking your scent from hogs is no easy task. Shotguns work at much less. They can cover considerable areas, except when the females are pregnant. "In 1982 the USDA killed 86 feral hogs . Its all about trial and error.