Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern, that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between themand asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. Animation Comedy Drama Diane divorces Mr. Peanutbutter and moves into a shabby studio. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he can't believe that they've been having this party since 1993, to which Pickles exclaims that was the year she was born. Age-Gap Romance: There is an 11 year age gap between her and Mr. Peanutbutter, her boyfriend and later husband. Mr. Peanutbutter, alone at home, still sad after calling his ill brother, gets a call from Shep Von Trapp, who offers him the role of Oscar nominee announcer. Mr. Peanutbutter realizes that they need video evidence of him being tough. She tells him they should leave, but BoJack is frustrated because he thinks she's acting weird since she hates parties. She tells Pickles Mr. Peanutbutter is fully devoted to whoever he is in a serious romantic relationship with and she tells Pickles that she's that girl now. Mr. Peanutbutter simply says he could use a drink asking if there was a bar nearby. He asks Princess Carolyn to hire back the stunt double that he fired. BoJack says he was shocked Princess Carolyn managed to get him out of prison for the weekend. Mr. Peanutbutter meets Doctor Champ who tells Mr. Peanutbutter that Mr. Peanutbutter is the first friend BoJack invited to the friends and family meeting, but Mr. Peanutbutter says he doesnt remember getting an invitation. During the after-party, Mr. Peanutbutter hires Todd as his assistant, for his new company, PB Livin'. Princess Carolyn gets ready to drive over, to help them, while telling them not to enter the house. While she was in a relationship with Mr Peanutbutter, BoJack planted a kiss on her lips but she was not interested in reciprocating the affection whatsoever. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Diane anytime he went to a Halloween party with one of his wives they would get in a huge argument, so he's glad she's so fun and easygoing and loves parties. This starts an argument where Mr. Peanutbutter says that at least no one in his family has anger issues, saying that Pickles father Franco is "a hothead with a little pug complex," and that her mother more than likely provokes him on purpose, suggesting that they get off on it. However, he does leave her alone multiple times to talk to and party with the other guests, with Katrina becoming more upset and angry throughout the night. He tells her is just distracted as he feels lonely in his big house after Pickles left. Flea Daniels tells Mr. Peanutbutter that theyre not going to re-edit the scene because he's already been dragging it out for the longest time, with his ridiculous demands. He listens to two of them and returns home. Obviously, his parents actually died, which Mr. Peanutbutter didn't realize until INT. Mr. Peanutbutter and a few crew members then pull BoJack off of her. Besides his love for tennis balls, he hates the game tennis because he gets angry at how nobody ever catches the ball. She receives a phone call from Mr. Peanutbutter, who practices a new exercise referred to as their "Daily Download," which involves a heavy amount of repetitive and cyclic phrasing. Wanda tells him in a threatening tone that this is network television, so all their show's problems must be wrapped up in under half an hour, and the people want resolution. A flashback shows Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles telling a man named Carl that since Mr. Peanutbutter cheated on Pickles with his ex-wife, Pickles has to have sex with Carl to level the playing field. He agrees, and she asks for no more surprise parties. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Max that BoJack sold the restaurant to him and Joey Pogo. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she still loves him and wants to marry him, but he cant do things that hurt her because its not okay, and Mr. Peanutbutter silently agrees by nodding his head. He says they are both two equally accomplished book writers. When Doctor Champ warns everybody that the event will be starting in five minutes, Mr. Peanutbutter encourages BoJack to hurry so they get good seats. One of the kids pushes up his mask in protest and is revealed to be a young Todd. The sun hits a blimp promoting Secretariat, which has the mirror design BoJack insisted on in Stop the Presses, and it begins to heat up the water and boil the pasta. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that she should drop it because if something was wrong his brother would tell him. He proposes to her in the season 5 finale to avoid telling her he cheated on her with Diane. Flip yells cut and tells Mr. Peanutbutter that's what real strangling looks like. Mr. Peanutbutter starts to say they should set a date for the wedding but he is interrupted by Pickles telling him about the job opportunity with Joey Pogo. He tells Sassy to get dressed so they can get to the bottom of this because this times it's "personnel.". Diane apologizes saying she didn't realize she was doing that. As he approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and Princess Carolyn, Princess Carolyn pushes Mr. Peanutbutter in front of Joeys car, and Mr. Peanutbutter is left slightly puzzled when he doesnt get hit by Joeys slow-moving car. BoJack says he understands what it's like to have guilt bottled up inside you, and not burden other people with it. This was after Jimmy Fallon, the original host, was hit with a bus and "broke his face." Mr. Peanutbutter begins his campaign for governor, although he cannot run unless they get enough backers to recall the current governor, Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz. In 2007, he wore a blue and red "Swan Dutch" hat, a black Ed Hardy-style t-shirt with a design on the front that included a dog skull over crossbones with the words "Fetch, Sit, Stay" in it, grey-blue acid-washed jeans, olive green sneakers, and three bracelets, a pink, red, and neon green bracelet respectively, on his left wrist. He tells her to not turn around, but she ends up seeing the mummy and is horrified. They decide, after tricking and running away from Von Trapp, to make up the nominees by looking at the list of actors. He reveals Diane told him, and BoJack in general being mean to him, despite him just wanting to be his friend. A teenage Todd and his friends try to trick-or-treat at BoJack's house, but Princess Carolyn turns them away, motivating them to cover the place in toilet . In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, Mr. Peanutbutter is explaining to Pickles and Joey Pogo his plan for getting even with Pickles so that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles can get married. She assures him she'll call him if she's out late, and that she's probably not going to have a good time and she's only doing it for work. Mr. Peanutbutter tells them that's great seeing that's just what they wanted. Diane hates those huge gestures because she feels like it puts pressure on her to do the same, or at least be dazzled by it even if she didn't want it in the first place. Mr. Peanutbutter, the star of Mr. Peanutbutter's House, is an adult male yellow Labrador Retriever, who is BoJack Horseman's friend and former sitcom rival. Mr. Peanutbutter says now that he's single he's finally learning to be himself. She says she felt really shitty after he left that night, but when Mr. Peanutbutter assumes he made her feel that way, she rants about how she always feels like garbage. As he talks to Princess Carolyn, a boom operator flips Mr. Peanutbutter the bird, as he walks past him, and Donna throws a scarf at Mr. Peanutbutters face. After Mr. Peanutbutter walks away BoJack once again pulls out Hollyhock's unopened letter from his jacket, looks at it, and his hands shake. BoJack realizes that all his suspects: Flip, Princess Carolyn, Diane, and Mr. Peanutbutter, revolve around the showdeveloping the conspiracy theory the whole show was created to reveal his secrets. Diane says she isn't happy and that helping people and making a difference with Sebastian St. Clair could give her a reason to get out of bed. In his drug-induced hallucination BoJack walks through the set when he's once again transported to the empty set and golden staircase he saw earlier. Later, at their house, Diane explains to Mr. Peanutbutter that it's hard for her to talk about her feelings because she didn't have the support growing up as he did. This refers to twin sisters from the show Mr. Peanutbutter's HouseZelda was a happy extrovert, Zo was a cynical introvert. Let's Find Out!," leaving Mr. Peanutbutter out of a job. However, he specifies BoJack should bring it up only if the interview is going well. Diane, who now has a bunch of car keys, is still trying to get her car out and calling people to move their cars. He recalls her not loving Starbucks, but loving the independent coffee place, although Starbucks is more convenient, showing Diane he does listen. Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles talk on the phone. In The Horny Unicorn, at VIM, Princess Carolyn and Judah are preparing BoJack for the interview and telling him what to say when Mr. Peanutbutter walks in and asks BoJack to mention Birthday Dad in his interview and to welcome him to the MBN Thursday night family. While hes in the kitchen making her boba tea, the Boba maker asks if he wants whip cream and Mr. Peanutbutter stands there thinking. Mr. Peanutbutter says okay, but she has to come, and she agrees to come if he has the divorce papers. Like many of the characters on the show, Diane has had her fair share of hardships and heartache. When Diane tries to convince him again, Mr. Peanutbutter gets angry at her, questioning if she thinks she knows his brother better than him, and just because she has a bad family doesn't mean everyone else does. Oxnard tells him what he thinks Todd would say in this situation and tells him an idea involving spaghetti strainers. BoJack leaves after telling her that her new haircut looks great and Mr. Peanutbutter will love it. However, Todd, due to an incident involving his "drone throne," actually wins the race, but due to him declining the governor position is left open, and to abide by democracy Mr. Peanutbutter and Woodchuck must both run for Governor, much to the exasperation of Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter finishes the movie and sees that he has ninety-eight missed messages. Mr. Sometime later that same day, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene of Birthday Dad, with his costar Melodie. Pickles runs out of the house and onto the backyard patio and sits by the fire. Sure, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't always "get" things - like why fracking is bad for the world, even if a giant drill sounds cool. Diane arrives at the airport and Mr. Peanutbutter is waiting for her with BLARN sign. Mr. Peanutbutter remarks that sounds like a hard puzzle. Diane then calls Mr. Peanutbutter on the phone and he sounds excited to hear from her. She says she asked one thing from him, and he never listens. They get interrupted by Pickles again and this causes Diane to react harshly. She takes him outside and uses the toilet paper to turn him into a mummy. Everyone leaves as Princess Carolyn says that the party is over. Pickles then apologizes and says she will try to make this work for their relationship. He attended Northwestern University. She says it's because she auditioned for The Mummy movie for the role of the mummy with Brendan Fraserand didn't get the part. In Season 6, he plays the eponymous character Birthday Dad in the show of the same name, which is a huge success. Wayne tells her she and Mr. Peanutbutter arent right for each other, using the "Zo and Zelda" comparison. However, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't actually know how to ski, so Katrina sends him to ski school. Todd is conflicted about whether to tell BoJack this, however, he decides against it when he realizes BoJack caused him to sabotage his rock opera. She tells him she actually came to take him to set, which BoJack thought he was on. Diane tries to bring it up again but Pickles returns to take their order, starting another conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter, making Diane jealous. Showing he isn't oblivious to how BoJack treats him, he questions why BoJack doesn't like him. In their car, Diane apologizes to Mr. Peanutbutter for ruining another Halloween for him. BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter are two characters who have a strikingly similar career trajectory, given that they both starred in sitcoms about adoptive parents, and despite receiving his own character arc on BoJack Horseman, Mr. Peanutbutter is essentially BoJack's opposite.. Diane wants to leave but is her car is trapped between two vehicles. Mr. Peanutbutter says he wants them to be even somehow. Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he won't screw it up. However, to her displeasure, as she hates big gestures, he threw her a surprise birthday party. Later, Princess Carolyn gets another phone call from Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter then says he went to college in Chicago and Diane tells him Northwestern is not in Chicago. Mr. Peanutbutter shows the latter problem after he cheats on Pickles by sleeping with Dianeand he asks her to break the news to Pickles, which Diane rightfully refuses to do. Pickles tells him she is so confused. When Mr. Peanutbutter is commended for destigmatizing mental illness, he comments that it all worked out depressingly.". Pickles is hungover and sitting in the bathtub. BoJack asks if Mr. Peanutbutter is seeing anyone to which Mr. Peanutbutter replies he's busy with his show and wants to focus on himself right now. As viewers, we were invested in their. I'm asking because i can't really imagine any other way. Diane says that she isn't ruined, and he says that his problem is that he doesn't listen. In The Dog Days Are Over, Diane wanders around Vietnam taking pictures and eating food. He goes on to say you think you are protecting them, but it comes out in other ways, and it infects everything. Instead, he gets cheered, for keeping them informed. Mr. Peanutbutter says if they hadn't met each other now they wouldn't be the people they are now. This is the same place his other relatives also went when they got old, including his father later on. She asks if they can plan the wedding when she comes back and he sadly tells her sure they can as it sounds like a good compromise. Mr. Peanutbutter naively believes Todd is actually there to apply to be his personal driver and hires Todd after an impromptu interview. His doctor tells him the Sad Dog meme always cheers him up however, Mr. Peanutbutter told his doctor he is Sad Dog from the meme. What did you think about BoJack Horseman season 5 episode 2? Diane's stress with the wedding and her situation with BoJack culminates while shopping for wedding registry ideas with Mr. Peanutbutter, to which they ultimately decide to move the wedding up within the month and to hold a smaller celebration. and pulling BoJack off of her with two other crew members when everyone else either did nothing or filmed the incident. She goes on to say that she noticed it on the night of the Philbert premiere when Mr. Peanutbutter came home late smelling like Diane, and then things went back to normal, but then he started acting weird again shortly before he proposed when he came home smelling like Diane again. She says that he keeps dating women in their twenties, so they aren't fully formed yethe doesn't ruin them they just grow up. Mr. Peanutbutter laughs nervously at this. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells BoJack he's playing Julius Caesar on the stage next door for a short film. Diane says she probably lost her wallet. Diane plays along and says she can make it home that night. The ships sink and the pasta falls in the ocean. I mean, at the Halloween party, she reassured Pickles, and said that PB would love her unconditionally, and Diane was no longer the person he loved, now it was her. He is then picked up from prison by Mr. Peanutbutter. She agrees to go despite Mr. Peanutbutter wanting to just stay in. In Sunk Cost and All That, Mr. Peanutbutter who is with Max and Paige at Elifino. Director Amy Winfrey Writers Raphael Bob-Waksberg Joanna Calo Stars Will Arnett (voice) Amy Sedaris (voice) Alison Brie (voice) See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix Joey tells her that's exactly right and she totally gets him. He notes that shaking off made their problem worse, despite the skunk scent being cleared from their bodies. Mr. Peanutbutter then walks inside. Pickles then says they can keep brainstorming. Princess Carolyn comes along, and Mr. Peanutbutter asks her about the reboot of a movie. He tells them he'd be delighted to answer questions about his good friend BoJack. Upon learning of this, BoJack decides to hire Character Actress Margo Martindale to stage a bank robbery to steal Diane's engagement ring when she and Mr. Peanutbutter are set to go to the bank, hoping to cause a rift between them by taking away a symbol of their relationship. Out of the five main characters, he is the only one whos parents were never seen and who's childhood/teen years via flashbacks were never shown: However, his parents have been mentioned and confirmed to have died years previous to the series. Princess Carolyn freaks out upon seeing that Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter have started a fire outside. He tosses her the keys and tells her to take it for a spin. BoJack takes a selfie outside of the Capital building and posts it on Instagram, and the first comment is from Mr. Peanutbutter telling him to turn around. Mr. Peanutbutter starts talking to BoJack, and after Diane talks to Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks she's in New York too, but quickly tells her he's not accusing her and that he feels better when he knows where she is. Captain Peanutbutter reveals that he has a twisted spleen and needs an operation, but it's not fatal and everything's going to be fine. In It's You, Mr. Peanutbutter becomes depressed due to his brother's illness, as he and Todd purchase a new building for Cabracadabra's headquarters. She goes on to say Mr. Peanutbutter can't do hurtful things anymore because it's not OK. It has its ups and downs as she gains weight off antidepressants but she decides to move with Guy to Houston. Pickles suggests her high school boyfriend Buzzy. As Gina is gasping for breath, Mr. Peanutbutter intervenes. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. In The Face of Depression, BoJack is seen at the airport looking at the flight listings and walks past the bar where Joey Pogo is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter. Diane says he either needs to date older woman or grow up himself, or his girlfriends will keep outgrowing him. This angers Mr. Peanutbutter and he interrupts the show to have BoJack sit across from him as he confronts him about kissing Diane. Later that night, Mr. Peanutbutter goes home to find Pickles talking to the Pickle Pack on her phone. He confesses that he cheated on her twice a few months ago with Diane, much to Pickles grief, and she throws the ring again and starts screaming at such a high frequency that the glass window shatters. Mr. Peanutbutter loves honeydew, while BoJack hates it. He approaches Jessica Biel while Mr. Peanutbutter watches in dismay. Meanwhile, as the therapist pointed out, even though she's a writer, Diane does not express her feeling for Mr Peanutbutter (save for the influence of drugs) yet he accepts Diane for her way (or lack thereof) of expressing herself so in that sense it's an uneven relationship. BoJack goes on to tell Mr. Peanutbutter that he might believe hes being selfless by not confessing his guilt, but bottling it up makes everything worse because the guilt will eventually come out in other ways and it will negatively impact everything. Salinger reveals he wants to "cancel Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Although off-screen, BoJack reminds Mr. Peanutbutter that he was in a rehab facility, and Mr. Peanutbutter subsequently leaves. Back in the car, BoJack asks if Mr. Peanutbutter thinks Diane is going to be there to which Mr. Peanutbutter replies that everyone will be there seeing that it's the party of the year. In the 90s he had a tuft of wavy hair. Mr. Peanutbutter and Captain Peanutbutter are excited to spend the holiday together, although whenever Diane is alone with him Captain Peanutbutter talks in a nihilistic manner to her. Before leaving, Jessica asked Mr. Peanutbutter to not let her see any mummies, as she had a traumatic past experience relating to them. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles to think of his family because they need him to be strong as his older brother Captain Peanutbutter confessed to him that he feels like hes in a loveless marriage with his wife. As Woodchuck is an experienced skier, Mr. Peanutbutter loses the race. Due to her old age, Mr. Peanutbutter's mother got sick with Parkinson's. Back in the present, Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she's really happy for him. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells him Judah mostly stays home with Ruthie. It's only natural for Dianne and Peanutbutter to drift apart. In A Horse Walks Into Rehab, Princess Carolyn then gets a call from Mr. Peanutbutter. Todd tries unsuccessfully to reach Mr. Peanutbutter, so Todd and the Orcas head over to the latter's house to get the strainers. However, she inadvertently encourages him to keep trying when she tells him she thinks he would have been a great governor after he says even though he likes Woodchuck, he still wanted to beat him. On Halloween 1993, Mr. Peanutbutter and Katrina went to BoJack's house for his Halloween party, which BoJack lies about having so he wouldn't have to go to Mr. Peanutbutter's party, but Mr. Peanutbutter ended up bringing his party to BoJack's house. This puts a damper on the mood, and Pickles says that they should just finish their meal and then head to watch the explosion. He is always trying to reach out to BoJack and be his friend. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her she isn't. Pickles is getting annoyed he keeps bringing up all his ex-wives. When Pickles tells him thats silly, she yells for the lights to turn on and Mr. Peanutbutter blurts out that he cheated on her. He asks them if they remember the time one woman freaked out because she saw a mummy. However, that same evening Jessica dumped him, Mr. Peanutbutter met Diane Nguyen, an aspiring writer who was a part-time caterer at the time and was catering for the event he was at, and who he met earlier at a Starbucks that Diane also worked at. This is because her determined, overly dedicated, and somewhat aggressive nature was born as a result of growing up with four lazy, irresponsible brothers who enjoyed tormenting her, an uncaring father who didn't support anything she did, and a spiteful and verbally abusive mother who resents and nags her for leaving her terrible home life to After this, she and Mr. Peanutbutter, who is at the same restaurant, notice each other from across the room, to their shock. She elaborates, saying that what was part of the betrayal of Mr. Peanutbutter sleeping with Diane, is that they shared an intimate history. Mr. Peanutbutter says that hes not sad hes happy and everybody knows that. BoJack then calls Vance who answers the phone and sounds excited to hear from him. BoJack replies he's sure he'll find a way to mess things up. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that the Pickle Pack is a part of everything she does, saying that her subscribers are with her through thick and thin. He also informs BoJack he's not nominated for an Oscar. I like your analysis more. When Diane and her husband, Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins), are taken through the mandatory pre-abortion requirements at "Planned Parrothood," the doctor ruthlessly informs them: "By . At some point, Todd planned to surprise Pickles and Mr. Peanutbutter with a surprise wedding, and he sends them out of the house for six hours to watch a play. They drive up to Griffith Park Observatory and BoJack questions if this is where the wedding is happening. Later that night, Diane signed the papers and officially divorced Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her he'll never leave her alone again, but Katrina storms off saying she wants to be alone now and tells him to have fun with his hippie liberal friends. Mr. Peanutbutter then offers to drive Diane home since she lost her parking ticket. Pickles continues to say, that even though Mr. Peanutbutter did something stupid, she is the one to feel bad and its not fair. After the premiere, Mr. Peanutbutter asks Pickles where she went, because she only stayed to watch ten minutes of the show. Pickles asks, "sexy?" She refuses to give them candy because they are too old to be trick or treating and too young to attend the adult Halloween party. When the scene is cut, Mr. Peanutbutter again tries to complement Melodie but she tells him to drop dead." The episode Brrap Brrap Pew Pew begins right where the previous ended, with Diane, at the hospital with Mr. Peanutbutter, cursing at the revelation that she is pregnant. Wanda green lights the show, Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Mr. Peanutbutter points out, that BoJack is a damaged person battling a lot of demons, and it would mean a lot to him if they mentioned him. Mr. Peanutbutter goes into the bar.