Once you have published, you then choose your code. A custom className option can be passed to override the class the plugin will search for to find the root element. Supports Encrypted Media Extensions for playback of encrypted content in Video.js. This repo is forked from https://github.com/cladera/videojs-time-offset, ported to es6, fixed somebugs. Video Playlist designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on Dribbble Popular Video Playlist Inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world's best designers. Apply changes Discard; IE is no longer supported . Other parameters that you may include are: media title, media duration and sprite image to show thumbs over progressbar. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. A video.js plugin for the Promethean TV SDK. duration. In addition, the options object may contain the following specialized properties: As mentioned above, the name of the class to search for to populate the playlist menu. If the player is playing when switching playlist items, continue playing. A playlist video picker for video.js and videojs-playlist. Prototyping a linear TV flow with video js based on current time, A source handler to integrate flashls with video.js, Adds an airplay button to a control bar if the browser supports airplay. Play back HLS and DASH with Video.js, even where it's not natively supported. Root Element Using Automatic Discovery (default, example) Using a Custom Class (example) Using a Custom Element (example), Using Automatic Discovery (default, example), Node.js videojs-playlist-ui A playlist video picker for video.js and videojs-playlist. Can be set to false to disable native audio track support. When used as a setter, it returns a Promise. Also, if the