Then I can have several days and sleep o.k. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. But when you are feeling extremely anxious about a situation, dizziness and. I hated the last one I saw. What is it? I'll try to notice these things next time. It is anxiety and it will go away. When a kitchen floor feels bouncy, the three main causes are joist issues, foundation settlement, and moisture problems in the basement or crawlspace. My neck hurts my head hurts ..its a constant swaying motion sicknessnaseous . YES! Willis MA, Haines DE. Have you had your regular blood work done lately? I also see and feel my environment shifting right to left repeatedly. At ER it's always CTSCAN .. he discharged me and told me i shouldn't worry about it and asked if i would like to see an ENT, i said yes. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. This is anxiety. Or right? I've had numerous EKG's, blood tests and other things . It is a particular type of dizziness here's my best shot at describing it: The only trigger I've noticed is not getting enough sleep. I was on them from May 27- June 15 to be exact .. towards the last week I started skipping days. Drill a small hole, on a floor seam, using the 3/32 drill bit. Strange thing happen 2 times I have been swimming and feel so much better anyone had that happen to them? Voila! Is It Safe to Live in a House with Foundation Issues? I stood taller, feared less and as I did the symptoms slowly disappeared. this anxiety? "Serious structural damage could occur . Yep get it a bit . By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. A few years into this, my daughter and I decided to a 30 day vegan challenge we found online. I went to an ENT doctor who did some tests which came back normal. If the underneath posts develop problems such as rots, the beam might not offer sufficient support, making your floor start sagging. (Argh. I hope that the other people's posts are helpful to you too. If a proper ventilation system doesn't help, you probably have a moisture build up below the surface of walls or the floor. Its a really scary feeling and I'm scared it might go out of control while I'm at school. I had the aches for a good few weeks. There's been so much weird body stuff that it's easy to forget some of it. so tell if you can relate and did it go away? Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network Explanation: "She felt like sinking to the floor" because Zitkala-Sa had her first day at the school. Clear editor. This feels different, but I guess it could be another sort of automated nervous system problem. It went away eventually. This is a Community for those Living with Lupus to Connect, Share Experiences, Build Support, and Create Community. This only happens when I am standing, but when I do my blood pressure and heart rate right after, they are fine, even though I also have a slow message to my atria. I had a mysterious ear issue about two years ago and after reading these comments, I realize I definitely should consult an ENT. The main job is to get that idea out of the body to be able to look at it more objectively. This uses hydraulic pressure to help push piers into the soil. when I walk I feel so heavy all over my body and like I'm sinking into the ground. Sometimes there is brief neck pain or head pain, like a pinched nerve. If your living room is at the center of your home and is placed on one side, it might be a cause for a sunk in floor. Have you seen your endocrinologist? After all, no floor is supposed to feel bouncy! So I was diagnosed with epilepsy this year, and that led to me finally getting diagnosed with lupus. Took Tylenol . Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications (Fifth Edition). Normally, when a home becomes unlevel, you'll be able to find more than one tell-tale sign. It is so frustrating, because I have had insomnia and been tired and unable to sleep. Oh yeah. Karmaberry99, us folks with anxiety, we have trained our brains to overreact to almost everything. Your toilet is rocking or loose. I'm sorry that you had these spells too. I have what I call vision shifting. Hope you all are having a good day no matter what . I have been searching and searching for answers. MRI is harmful. Thank you, I have had to defend myself with some people that I do not have vertigo been to the ENT doctor to know for sure ! I do not know what to do and I almost never want to go anywhere because I am afraid I will get that sensation. Thanks for commenting! I had a VNG done to detect ear issues at the ENT but they say I do not have BPPV because that produces a spinning vertigo whereas I have an up and down sensation but I wonder if there are other ear issues that produce the feeling I'm having. I'd much rather have an MRI than a CT scan, which involves a lot more radiation than most ordinary X-rays. And right now it's all happening to me, Just praying for some relief and answers and solution. The feeling I'd get after climbing a tree so high and looking down after me only to see the ground so far below with my friends looking more and more like little ants. This is a safe space for everyone. I'm in need for a remedy. Ive had to go through vestibular therapy and it really does matter whether you spin to left or right, when looking up and to the left or only when you peer over your right shoulder, etc. After the 30 days (actually did it for about 45 day) and returning to eating normal, the symptoms stayed away. and after heavy rain I have noticed actual small 10cmx10cm pools of water in 3 spots in the middle of the floor of two rooms. 5 Yard Drainage Problems and How to Solve Them, 5 Reasons for Cracks in Your Basement Wall, We know you want to know what you are getting into far before deciding on the best company to provide services for your home or workplace. I don't feel lightheaded or like I'm going to black out. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Feeling like the floor is sinking or dropping. You could ask if there are any such reports for Synthroid. I had the exact same feeling a few years back. They can prescribe you something to help with your symptoms once they do bloodwork and exam. I also would add (based on common sense and general knowledge) that anyone who has a heart condition check with their doctor to see if Niacin is a safe supplement to take. Thank you! We would stop and everything was rocking . I'm really sorry that you're going through the same thing and hope you figure it out. I feel like I am falling or sinking in the bed .Even with my eyes closed I feel dizzy, like I am floating on water. Been feeling like that for years it's gotten worse for me. Sitting? And when I started suffering SEVERE vertigo (dizziness, room spinning to the point that it'd make me puke, also couldn't drive at ALL because it was impossible to keep car in a straight line) anyway, this magic M.D. A lot of the symptoms you describe, especially dizziness and unsteadiness, are symptoms of Zoloft withdrawal. I have been to an ENT and I'm scheduled for an MRI, neurologist appointment, and an allergist. if my ENT checks out, i guess i have to live with it, i can't agree more. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Hopefully I will have a cause of my vertigo and a solution. I notice that I get them when I go to sit or lay down after standing up for long periods of time. I got an mri, and it showed I had decreased white matter which could equate to Alzheimer's, parkinson's, or maybe just ADHD. Elsevier. I feel like I am dying. Stomach discomfort. Peripheral neuropathy (peh-RIH-feh-rul noor-AH-puh-thee) is the term used to describe changes that happen when your peripheral nerves are damaged. xx. The earth around your home is sinking. but within two weeks it'll ween off till it goes away :). "Anxiety really hits the G.I. I have been having other anxiety symtpoms as well, including mild panic attacks. I felt warm for days already / : I still feel the constant swaying motion though. No attacks in the AM. I have this particularly bad today and it makes me nervous. I do have high blood pressure and other minor heart conditions--and as a busy mom with a lot going on I feel anxiety. Additionally, the underneath posts may be too far apart, hence not supporting the beam, making your floor sink. Over time, those floor joists, which comprise the wooden slat "roof" of your crawl space, may can weaken and cause major structural problems. Burst Water Pipes. If your symptoms stay no matter what you try to do, I would see your doctor. I have lupus. 5. He said he will get in touch with my Gyno after he's done doing his tests on me holtor monitor and echocardiogram. Will find a good ENT (didn't like the last one I saw) and look into the various things people suggested. It terrified me and I was ill with worry for months googling and thinking that I had some sort of deathly disease. It's different than this newer vertigo I'm experiencing. It s really scary. It is not very fun. She was walking noiselessly in her smooth and soft moccasins. Also epsom salts - half a pack in my bath and listening to Claire Weeks audio book really helped me with the muscle aches and tension. I have had numerous feelings of the floor moving, of things moving in front of me such as countertops, and the feeling as though someone pushes me from behind to the ground but yet I'm standing still. Ive experienced the type of dizziness your describing, as well as other types of vertigo. Some one had suggested to me a product called divertigo. 610 W. Burton St Murfreesboro, TN 37130 I don't lay down unless I'm ready to go to la-la land. Posted It almost seems seizure like. I can't leave work ) : But I'm going to ER after work to get CT SCAN or MRI last MRI I had was less than 1 yr too too it off I was just told I have gallstones in gallbladder ) : That's painful and makes me nauseous and my stomach bloated. I felt like I was on a boat or something like sinking into the ground with every step I took. Your basement floor sinking may be the result of a sinking foundation. Sinking, Dropping, or Falling This feeling is particularly scary and jars you from the brink of sleep into being wide awake. I believe that could be part of the problem but, not all. Neurotologist deals directly with brain and inner ear connections as they pertain to the vestibular system. Like, when I'm dizzy, some ppl will advise me to lay down (logical), but that will make it worse for some reason. It is more like not understanding where my body is in position to the room. I think it has something to do with my BP being off. I'm 45.. been feeling like this for about 5 or 6yrs now. Rheumatologist sent me to neurologist and I had an MRI. I haven't been diagnosed with meniere's but the symptoms make sense to me. Glasses you will experience vertigo at a more intense level. I also agree with a previous poster that Menieres could be an option to check out; my girlfriend has it and it also sounds like what you are describing. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All rights reserved. Thank you so much, guys. you that your life is out of control. Sotime-released niacin is a safe and magic answer to feeling disoriented but make sure it's time-release or you'll suffer the niacin "flush" and turn beet red. Hope you can get to the bottom of it soon. It took a lot of getting used to for me. ( like you stepped on a soft bouncy surface). This sounds off-putting (understatement). The first step in fixing your sinking floor repair is having it inspected by a professional, from an efficient certified repair company like Ground Up Foundation. Hi there! I looked around and everyone was going about their business as normal. Did you move your head to the left? Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Read below for more information on causes and treatment options. I am thinking that the ear issue I had two years back may have something to do with this. But I will go see the shrink on this one. They can be used to raise the foundation of your home while at the same time, stabilizing it. (I almost forgot about the ear thing. HI yes it happens once the motion stops or at least maybe i can't tell when the motion is occuring. Not sure if it's anxiety or what . When the house begins to shift downwards due to settling, the water pipes can become twisted. I have expressed this to my ENT and that is how he knows it is not positional vertigo. yeah i still get these alot.. Im going to go see a dco shortly and push for another sleep study.. im pretty certain that i have sleep paralysis or some s;leep disorder going on..b/c it hapens WAY TOO much for it to be a fluke.. like last night for instance i had paralysis in my sleep.. and woke up in paralysised.. i vaguely remner trying to wiggle my fingers.. and i felt my pinky and it was like gumby had invaded by body or something.. then with in seconds i was out like alight again and ddint wake up till my cardio came in and woke me up at nearly 9am some 6-7 hours laters.. i was out hard core too boy holy crud.. i hate it.. im really going to push for this doc that i will be seeing to do somethinglook into this sleep stuff b/c it bites the big one! Dizziness is a feeling of being lightheaded which may lead to passing out. Join the conversation! Floor sinking feeling and head feels heavy. It happened this morning when I got out of bed a couple of times, and a few more times as I made my way to work. One of the effects of the fight-or-flight response is that blood is redirected away from the stomach to the muscles. Medication can break that fear cycle as well as therapy to help address the anxiety. Odors Coming From the Floor - Get down to floor level and check for any unusual smells coming from the floor, as this could indicate that mold or mildew is present either on the laminate floor or in the subfloor. For instance, more than one door will stick or swing, or a window won't shut or latch properly. I get those same symptoms too. Pelvic floor inflammation can cause a wide range of symptoms that can vary depending on the cause and severity. And how? Do not copy or redistribute in any form! It's almost similar to the feeling you get when on an elevator and it has reached it's destination, and you feel a sudden jerk, down then up. I think many manufacturers have Hot Lines, so that might be another avenue to pursue. gave me a standard field sobriety test, dubbed it as "labyrinth-itis" and advised me to "take time-released niacin and it should go away in a couple of weeks." I awaken every few minutes and it is exhausting and depressing. Here are 5 signs you may have bathroom water damage: Musty smell - If you have a persistent, musty, damp smell in your bathroom, even after repeated cleanings, you may have mold and mildew in the walls and subfloor. I'd like to share the data of a short haul flight, which also shows the effect: After takeoff at 1:00, the first "funny-stomach-drop" occured after just 1 minute and 500m above ground, another at 5:00 and 3500m. I will ask my Dr. Do you think the colors you see are related to your migraines?? 615-624-1027, 2023 Ground Up Builders | Web Design and Development: Astute.Co. Tomorrow I'm seeing the P.A ( physicians assistant) my Dr is out of town and my appt with her is until late Aug or mid Sept.I'm not crazy about the PA but at the moment that's all I've got..its to follow up with ER from yesterday . I dont think I get the colors though cause I normally close my eyes and try to sleep thru it when it is that bad. Paste as plain text instead, Falling dropping sensations, such as feeling like your body is falling downward like in an elevator even though you aren't actually going down, are common symptoms of anxiety disorder, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and others. Oh my goodness! You cannot paste images directly. I had ct SCAN and all ok thank God. Just complete this short form or give us a call at. Your previous content has been restored. Lily, I really think you ought to try and get a doctor to order bloodwork to see whether you're approaching the menopause. or something like that)but they also said it was normal. I dont have the off balance feeling but just have the dreaded feeling inside and cant shift it at all. I started to get these episodes on a daily basis for while. That's probably too short a period to have caused withdrawal symptoms, but some people are more sensitive to these things than others. if the ENT checks out, i don't have a choice but to move on. Omygoodness my head is swaying so bad right now hasnt stopped . Where you walking? Sometimes it will feel like my feet will fall through the floor then other times will slowly sink into it. Sometime our bodies start falling asleep before our brains do and that is a very big sx and disturbance with dysautonomia. You can cut the tablets in quarters if necessary, unless of course you have the slow-release kind. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Currently seeing an ear specialist, theres so many different things that it could be honestly :/ , goodluck! I guess I still have it, it's just not bad the way it used to be. I have an neuro appt (due to neuromuscular issues) in January (that was the earliest I could get in) Sorry for the length. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Basically this happens only when I'm walking, or sometimes standing. It's worse the last 3yrs . They send messages from your brain and . Good morning. Hope you figure out what that is. Let me know how you get on. So much of my stuff I have just ignored or brushed off as 'weird me'It is nice to have a group of people who actualy understand..Cause you know the docs just look at you like you are crazy or something.. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. Thank you so much for your comment, I dont know if it happened to you but after this symptom of the floor my body started to ache out of nowhere which is really scary cause I cant tell if its anxiety, did you have other symptoms after this? Has anyone ever experienced the feeling of having the floor bounce up for just a few seconds while walking? I am sure everyone here feels the same.). It is quite a small area on top of the staircase but it does feel like it is extending and getting worse. I also saw cardiologists and neurologists. Your link has been automatically embedded. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. No vision changes. meditate, my mind/body connection came together for the good. Oh gosh, I didn't even think of this. Been to 3 ENT's. I need to find a good ENT and will ask about vestibular therapy if they don't' find anything. This however is not a bad thing but if we don't grab hold of it, it will grab us and cause all sorts of physical symptoms and additional anxiety. Neurotologist deals with inner ear and vestibular system, connections to the brain. I'm going to see the doctor on what is causing my body to have this sensation going on. My head has been hurting so bad lately . I feels like oil of some kind. JES specializes in repairing your home's foundation, sagging floor joists, and wall gaps. But was curious if anyone who has been diagnosed, do you have these symptoms ? Its also very frightening. reading,making quilts, sewing, crochetting, embroidery, walks on the beach on a cool evening ..being with friends.. and laughing till there are tears rolling down my face.. Red Sox fanatic!
Treatment Center: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Braintree Rehab, Boston Medical Center
Doctors: 3 Cardiologists/Electrophysiologists, 1 Neurologist, 1 Otoneurologist, PCP, Physical Therapist, Otolaryngologist, Endocrinologist, READING, CHURCH, SINGING, WALKING, RIDING BIKES, PLAYING BOARD GAMES AND TRAVELING, Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network, Dysautonomia disorders, diagnostics & Info, Information guides for family and friends.