During the sacrifice he tries to exchange himself for Elena's aunt Jenna Sommers as the vampire but Klaus refuses saying he has plans for him. In the past, it shows Elena's father asking him to save his daughter and Stefan's confusion as he sees her face. While continuing to playfully practice defense techniques, Elena reassures Stefan that Damon is only teaching her how to feed, and that Stefan is really the one getting her through her adjustment period. Stefan helped both Damon and Elena's transition into vampires. Other than Lexi, Stefan's best friend was a girl named Cora, who was a human girl. Later, Stefan arrives with Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion and incapacitates Chris with a stake. Giuseppe Salvatore (1st time, as a human)Julian (1st time, as a vampire)Nora Hildegard (2nd time, as a vampire)Rayna Cruz (3rd time, as a vampire)Himself (2nd time, as a human) He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan. Stefan then gives Elena a daylight ring that Bonnie made. Stefan felt so guilty that he tried to take his ring off and was about to commit suicide, until Elena convinced him not to do it. It's about time to accept the person that she is right now and start living the rest of her life. In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Klaus is in deep pain because Silas has left a part of the white oak stake in his back and now he's hurt so the original hybrid calls Caroline and she comes and tries to help him. She tells Stefan to care enough about Damon to save him. Elena then tells Stefan that even though there will be struggles, the important thing is that she will get to live and be there for everyone she loves, including him. Stefan is aloof and jokes about it, asking which guy it was because he was drunk that night. She's slowly getting better at this. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. "I think she could use a piece of news like that today," Damon says. Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. it is the one weakness that cannot be beaten down, and that she loves Damon, despite early comments. "Hate me," Stefan says. Stefan Salvatore They actually may know him-he's an original brother with impeccable taste. Stefan says he wants to have dinner with Caroline that night. Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist, Alaric and Stefan (Friends/Frenemies/Former Allies). She asks Stefan why he's inflicting so much pain on himself for such a hateful person. She turns around, adjusts her shirt to show more cleavage, flips her hair, before she turns back around, throwing her jacket over her shoulder They she sticks her thumb up. They manage to find Damon and Rebekah who were overpowered by Vaughn. Katherine told Stefan that she wants the moonstone back and when he told her that she can't have it Katherine killed Aimee Bradley and left her in Stefan's arms he put Aimee's body in his car. Stefan hears Alaric and Enzo approaching and throws another bomb at them. In the end, he was the one to kill her. Giuseppe then set in motion Katherine's capture, which corresponded with a town-wide vampire round-up. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Tripp wakes up only to see Enzo and Stefan towering over him. Katherine tells him that she has decided not to address the problems but he reminds her that she is Katherine Pierce and that she has to suck it up, he leaves and Katherine smiles. In Dangerous Liaisons it is learned that Elena had been invited to the Mikaelson Family home for a ball and that the mother, Esther has requested an audience with her. He looks up and there is a school bus on fire and screams of help can be heard from inside. In Fifty Shades of Grayson, Stefan wakes up next to Katherine in bed but she frantically covers herself with a sheet and leaves the room and Stefan looks on amused. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. Once he cleaned up, the family was surprised to find that Stefan looked like a perfect gentleman. Stefan is a very ancient descendant of the world's first immortal being and man. Sloan says they need to go deeper and Caroline says he's seeing old memories but then Sloan starts the spell again, despite Caroline's concerns, Sloan goes back into Stefan's head to get more information Caroline stays on the phone and tries to help him, Enzo listens with interest. In Plan B, Stefan jumps into a well to try and find the moonstone that Mason hid, but didn't realize the water was full of vervain and he couldn't move, his face and body beginning to burn; Elena comes down to rescue him. Rebekah however knows what the Salvatore brother wants and she gives him the dagger herself. She does the spell in which she begins to fry Silas' brain. In seconds the rapist was dead on the ground, eyes staring lifelessly at her. Elena gives Caroline the letter, but Caroline orders Stefan to burn it. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." Then Stefan chains Damon and vervains him to weaken him, and when Damon wakes he tells him that he shouldn't have told him to leave and that he will never give up on him. Finally Rebekah tells them where Elena has went because Stefan reminds her that anything happens to Elena she has no chance of finding the cure. He tells Damon that he's going to go over to the house and fix his mess. Whatever was inside is gone now. He adds that Silas needs to die and put them all out of their misery. Later, in Stefan's bedroom, Elena finishes leaving a message for Caroline to ask for help adjusting as Stefan walks into the room with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. Rebekah however hears them and crosses Katherine's path. In the woods, Stefan senses something and looks around. Julian however tried to stop their growing friendship and even romance, but they eventually have sex for the first time. Caroline hung up the phone. Stefan's dependence on Damon due to his newborn vampire-ism and heightened emotions was example by a time right after he transitioned and then persuaded an unwilling Damon to complete his own transformation into a vampire. They'll both help her and then he'll use the sire bond to bring her back. Stefan is lonely and he don't want talk to anyone when he is drinking in The Grill Katherine appears and begs him to stay with her, he reluctantly agrees. He has to deal with and immortal named Silas. Caroline compels Ivy and takes her upstairs as Enzo calls Stefan a coward and they throw each other around the kitchen. Once the bomb detonates, Stefan calls his mother telling her that her family are no more. In After School Special, Stefan is drinking alone at the Grill, expressing his bitterness over the phone to Caroline about Damon and Elena sleeping together. Later, Stefan phones his brother to see how he and Alaric are doing. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. Later, when he's drinking, Qetsiyah comes and joins him, but Stefan can't recognize her because of his memory loss, but Qetsiyah reminds him who she is. In both the show and the novels, almost all of the main female characters have displayed a romantic interest in Stefan. Back in Mystic Falls Stefan has taken Bonnie to her house and when she wakes up he realizes that she doesn't remember anything that happened after her and Jeremy were trying to get the cure from Silas back on the island from the island including Jeremy's death so the younger Salvatore starts explaining her everything. "I had to do that, for Enzo. In the last minutes of the episode as Stefan is burying Silas all those bad moments from the drowning appear in his mind again. He tells her that when he is with her the blood thirst disappears and he feels better. Stefan tells Klaus about the Heretics, the siphoning twins and Caroline giving birth to the them. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) She suggests it must be April Young, who was missing, and that they have to help her. He claims he has a system for starting over. Pilot (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO) Stefan tells Damon he thinks he was wrong, he definitely feels something for Caroline. He remembers that Katherine told him that she gave George Lockwood something that he needed to make him help her fake her death, he figures it's the moonstone. Elena stands by the plan, insisting that she has to learn to feed without killing, especially since she almost lost control feeding on Matt. In Man on Fire, Stefan is with Elena at the Grill, helping her with her studies, they tease each other and in that moment Bonnie arrives, who is worried about what is happening on the other side. Elena and Elijah talk and Elena says that the original brother is not the same anymore because he has fallen for Katherine's trap. Then Enzo slams the door shut and stakes Stefan from behind with a pole. Later on, Stefan leaves his house after Elena moves in due to not being able to live in the same house as Jeremy anymore, telling her to 'pick a room'. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. In Kill or Be Killed, Stefan tried to make peace with Mason who told his secret to Elizabeth Forbes, the sheriff, who went about trying to destroy the brothers. Over the century, Stefan came to believe his love for Katherine was never real and she had simply compelled him to love her. Many of them have blood falling from their nose, ear or mouth. Stefan apologizes before nodding to Jeremy, who then decapitates Chris with a meat cleaver. While she's talking to him she's constantly looking at her phone. There's a bright white light, and Katherine seems to go into it. Stefan follows Connor and Jeremy to the classroom they're sitting in, and after deeming Jeremy safe, he leaves. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. After Klaus made the offer that the Salvatores would keep away from Elena, Stefan disagrees, causing Klaus to overpower him and burn his hand in the chimney while Damon and Elijah go away. Back in New York Elena and Damon talk on the roof of Will's bar and she tries to seduce him so that she could take the information about Katherine. Stefan broke the news to Caroline and she begins to react in only the way she can. She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression. After she knocked out Jamie she helps Stefan to pull out the wooden bullets and she tells him, she kissed Damon. It was then that Stefan miraculously saved Elena's life, but was unable to save Elena's parents, Grayson and Miranda, who did not survive the tragedy. Stefan replies "No". Caroline angrily replies "Well, let me summarize them for you: You're a dick. Stefan replies that she's been waiting for Jeremy to wake up ever since they found his body. In I Would for You, Stefan and Valerie are on the run as Stefan wipes the last bit of herbal ointment that Freya made for him onto his wound. She seems disappointed that after everything, Stefan still protects Elena and offers to take every memory of Elena away. Throughout Season Five, their relationship progresses after a desperate Katherine, trying to escape death attempted to throw herself off the clock tower and Stefan saved her. Later, Stefan and Caroline are sleeping cuddled, Stefan taking her hand, they wake up to hear strange voices and they out of the car. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. Lucy appears, getting their attention, she gives the moonstone to Katherine. Damon doesn't believe this and mentions that he has taken notice that Stefan has not been drinking human blood lately. As Stefan is leaving the house, Elena calls him and tells him her plan to kill Kol. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. In While You Were Sleeping, Stefan arrives at the college where is Elena, he tells Elena about the seal keeping her inside and what Katherine did. In The Ties That Bind, When Bonnie shows Elena the coffins, Stefan gets angry because Elena shouldn't have seen those. However, despite them becoming romantically involved, various and numerous obstacles begin to come between the two, making Stefan and Elena struggle and fight to be together. He tells her that all of the scenarios she is coming up with are being shot down. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. They come upon another cabin and find Luke barely alive inside. In Promised Land, Stefan is still kidnapped with Elena, he is on other room and he is being held, light streams into the sealed room when a door opens. Stefan wants Caroline to come home. Then, they are tied to chairs by people compelled by Enzo, who has threatened Liv with killing her brother. Damon and Stefan are still hugging and Damon says he missed him too. He says that this party won't last because they'll either drink all the booze and get bored or Damon will come home and kill everyone. He in turn saw the necklace and picked it up, observing it carefully. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. Stefan leaves and goes to Damon who was surprised to see his brother. Caroline quickly lifts the bomb up with no care in the world. He was particularly practical, charming, playful, mischievous and humorous around his close friends (such as Lexi or Caroline, for example) or people who he knows. He had a very selfless, idealistic approach to love. She tells him that there should be champagne for finally catching him. It doesn't work. he pushes Stefan, they begin to discuss and Caroline sneaks behind him and attempts to snap his neck, but he catches her in the act. As he is pressed up against the police car, Stefan looks in the mirror and sees Marty's reflection. Stefan is the narrator of the series. Unfortunately, Klaus then used compulsion one last time and ordered Stefan to turn his emotions off.