The judge also imposed a five-year driving ban. Officers searched Hussains address in Randall Street and found 100 cash in a jacket pocket. Parkin, who appeared in court on his 32nd birthday, was jailed for six years. She fled to Romania after being charged but was brought back to the UK on a European Arrest Warrant. You could have killed yourself and anyone else who might have come into your path.. Daventry International Rail Freight Depot operator W H Malcolm Limited was found guilty of health and safety failings at Northampton Crown Court W H Malcom had denied two health and safety. This case shows that joint approach in action and we welcome the fact that Hussain has been brought to justice.". Eight-month-old Francesca Haworth died from asphyxiation after she was suffocated at an address in Blackpool in November 2018. This followed a three day search after Bateson broke the terms of a court order by failing to register a change in living circumstances which meant he was of no fixed address. Landlady Tracey Applin, 60, was outside her B&B, the Driftwood Hotel in Cocker Street, last May when Peter Swann walked past. Two men in a toxic relationship egged each other on to commit hideous acts which saw one of them sexually abuse a young boy. I would like to take the opportunity to thank those who reported the matter to the police and ensured that everything possible was done to help Matthew Pearson, also the witnesses who came forward and assisted with the investigation. Preston Crown Court heard 22-year-old Fear bit Miss Cole, battered her with a mop and left her unconscious while their baby daughter was in the house. Nadia Cherie Snooks, 35, of University Close, Northampton. She was taken home and the crime was reported to the police. The incident had a "significant impact" on the victim, the court heard, bringing on anxiety and weight loss while also becoming withdrawn. The following day, she attended a doctors appointment with multiple injuries, including bruising and severe swelling to the face. Claire Townsend asked to use the 87-year-old victim's phone after talking her way into his sheltered accommodation just off Pleasington Street, Blackburn. Drug-driving; fined 71, surcharge 34, costs 85, disqualified for 12 months. The investigation into the conspiracy stemmed from GMP's Operation Heart - which led to three siblings from the Din family in Bury being jailed alongside 15 others. I am going to terrorise you. Here they found Miss Waring's blood throughout, including in the living room, on a glass panel on the front door, on furniture, the walls, stairs, in the bathroom, on a bathroom cabinet, some speakers, and some glasses in a toolbox in the hallway. The offenders were part of a four-man gang who entered the house in Stuart Avenue, Morecambe, wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons. Andrew MacKay, who lived at Clarence Avenue, Knott-End-On-Sea, Poulton-Le-Fylde, but has since moved to Livingston, West Lothian, has been jailed for 18 weeks. During police interview Phythian denied having stolen the vehicles but later pleaded guilty. The judge, sitting with Mrs Justice May and Judge Geoffrey Marson QC, found the sentence was unduly lenient and should be increased. On one occasion last November Mayers told Miss Langtree she had better get round (to her daughters) straightaway as he was going to finish it once and for all. It was on June 24 last year that she set her sights on a property home to Colin Maudsley and his partner. She found the sentencing judge was wrong to reduce the sentence as much as he did. It is merciful Hasan Hussain survived.". Operating as street dealers for The Flash Line were Jake Chambers, Michael Hall and Charles Wigglesworth. "None of you seven showed any remorse in the aftermath of the shooting. Saez was arrested after 13 hours on the roof, and was released under investigation. Her family believe the 'trauma and devastation's of Alison's death' led to the tragedy. Get all the latest news, sport and what's on stories sent to your inbox daily with the LancsLive newsletter here. Neil was jailed for seven years and two months with a three year extended licence period. He pleaded guilty before any trial, while Anthony Hill, Craig Reynolds and Dean Sanders denied involvement but were convicted by a jury of conspiracy to rob and having a firearm with intent. Police launched a major investigation following the incident leading to six arrests. Fear then hovered over Miss Cole while wielding a metal baseball bat before his friend, who had been outside, grabbed him and dragged him out of the back door. He sentenced Granite to 41 months for the attack with a further two months for breaching bail and a month for breaching a suspended sentence. On November 24 he stayed overnight and their relationship became sexual. Three days later Mayers called Miss Langtree and made threats in relation to Miss Clarke about coming through the door and being out to get her and getting the last laugh. Welch, who was also found guilty of murder, was also jailed for life with a minimum of 27 years. When he was asked to show them to police looking for her a short time later, he was unable to produce them. The burglaries took place after Stewart had absconded from Kirkham Prison. He has been neglected and in the care system for many years. Leon Mansley, 34, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A (cocaine) and conspiracy to money launder. Liam Farnworth, from Preston, committed burglaries in Greater Manchester and a warrant was issued for his arrest after the first incident in January last year. Alex Dyson, 23, later bragged he "f***ed a virgin" and "she deserved it", two days after the attack in January, a court . Stephen Lequesne blocked the 16-year-old victim into a set of seats on a service to Ormskirk before rubbing his genitals. But Preston Crown Court heard Hernandez had remained in the UK to make a murder plan against his wife. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The Nissan was driven from the scene and later stopped by police around 4.45pm between junctions 6 and 5 of the M61 with four people arrested. Sitting at Burnley Crown Court on Friday, Judge Sara Dodd told Evans that he posed a high risk of serious harm to women. The videos ranged between two and 39 minutes. Juned was jailed for a total of three years. "He entered a guilty plea and was immediately sentenced to six months imprisonment.". Loop hearing facilities are available at the counters and in courtrooms. Officers were called to Angela Street, Mill Hill on February 2, 2021 to a report of a serious assault. You did what you did and without people like you, the people who buy a kilogram of cocaine in one go would have to take the risks you did so you both enabled those people and shielded them. The only thing he loved more than the outdoors was reading, you would never see him without a book. "We will find you and we will ensure that you answer for your actions before the courts.. I will have more. PC Meeks also suffered a serious cut to his hand which required an operation and 12 weeks of physiotherapy. You were somebody who was capable of moving on and making a good life for yourself but you made the choice to become a drug dealer.. Joseph Langley, 40, punched his daughter repeatedly in the face and put his hand around her neck, as she played FIFA on the PlayStation at the home they shared in Fleetwood. The 73-year-old was deemed unfit to plead due to suffering from dementia. Stewart was charged with the burglaries but failed to turn up to court. You have declined referrals for support with alcohol and cocaine misuse and it seems to me that you do present a high risk of causing harm to Sharon Langtree and Nicole Clarke.. Henwood had told Hindle that Mr Fisher had been violent to a puppy and a child and also made a false allegation that he was a child sex offender. On at least three occasions she awoke to be made to sit up in bed whilst Edwards held a knife against her throat and threatened her, telling her that unless she stayed awake to speak to him, he would cut her skin. The bag was recovered and found to contain around 2kg of cocaine - worth up to 80k as wholesale or up to 200,000 through street deals. A court heard how she was so scared she missed her own stop and waited until she could get off the train at its final destination. Last week at Preston Crown Court, Taberner was found guilty by a jury of two counts of rape. Bowling used the Encrochat handle TribalTown and messages showed he was involved in the importation of drugs into the UK on numerous occasions. The seven defendants were also found guilty for attempted murder by jurors, with shorter prison terms running concurrently, at the same time as their sentence for murder. Weitere Informationen ber die Verwendung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklrung und unserer Cookie-Richtlinie. He attacked her when it became clear that she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him. The radiographs produced on October 10 2019 and December 23, 2019 indicate that Bonzo had sustained a large number of rib fractures. The judge noted Coulthwaite had previously been arrested in relation to different offences which were not proceeded with and at that point "sought help" but was unsuccessful. Luckily, brave members of the public intervened and were able to chase him away. Two Lancashire men were jailed after their attempt to cross the North Sea on a jet ski with 200,000 of cocaine in a backpack ended in a rescue operation when they ran out of fuel. Defence barrister Isobel Thomas said Sousa owns four rental properties and is aware of the impact of his actions. Michael Ryan Young, 30, of Alexandra Mews, Blackburn. The 38-year-old from Blackburn was found in a private room with the 15-year-old victim and subsequently arrested on suspicion of rape. A rubber Halloween mask was also found covered in numerous blood spots belonging to Miss Waring on the outside. He said he had gone to the building to score drugs and gave a false name. The judge, Simon Medland QC, told Dowbekin he had looked after his own interests in leaving his friend dying. A search was carried out at Fearons address and similar rope and cable ties recovered from a shed at his home address. Alin Mahai, 27, of Belvidere Road, Dingle, Nicolea Ilea, 36, of Whitehall Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, Stefan Florin, 31, of HMP Risley, Florin Costea, 51, of Darwin Street, Oldham, Marius Meiosu, 25, of Darwin Street, Oldham and Gabriel Mocanu, 36, Darwin Street, Oldham were jailed for 42 months in prison each during a hearing at Chester Crown Court. Moore, of Morley Road, Lancaster, pleaded guilty to attempted rape, sexual assault and trespassing. They include 90 offences of fraud. The pair plotted the robbery on January 18 last year and Hindle went to Mr Fishers house in Edleston Street at lunchtime the following day pretending to be someone called Joe Frank who was looking to buy cannabis. However since his incarceration he has started medication and accessed support from teh mental health services which has helped significantly. It is not clear when he moved to Merseyside, but the relocation would have come after Bell was released from a 20 year prison term handed out for drug and gun offences linked to his Manchester roots. Kenny is a dangerous man and I am satisfied that the jail sentence will help protect the public for some considerable time to come. The victims were aged between 10 and 13 at the time. In addition to this the police were given authority for a forfeiture order for both motorcycles to be destroyed at the conclusion of the investigation. Now they've faced justice. He had shared custody arrangements and its his greatest regret as a totally caring father that the impact will be felt by his children. The attackers, under the impression there was a large amount of money at the address, showed extreme levels of violence to try and get what they wanted making off with guns, cash, watches and jewellery, which have not been recovered. It later transpired that he had stolen the Smartwatch from the woman who had agreed to let him use her home as a bail address. McGovern, of Gaw Hill View in Aughton, was speaking with a colleague via Bluetooth while 20mph above the limit in the seconds before the crash. On March 5 he carried out his threat and threw bricks and paving stones from the roof - causing between 4,000 and 7,000 of damage to the surgery and a nearby salon and betting shop. She was last seen on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, while shopping with Edwards at Asda in Darwen. He then went to bed. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. In the early hours of October 10, Mr Cullen was woken by Carney, who launched a vicious attack, kicking and stamping on the frail grandfathers head. He stated that Hunt was now back in legitimate work and argued that a suspended sentence would be more beneficial and give a better chance of rehabilitation than sending him straight to prison. He subjected her to numerous beatings to her head and body between 1990 to late 1991, pointed a gun at her head, tied her to a chair, kicked her legs removing his shoes and replacing them with steel toe cap boots - resulting in them bruising and bleeding. The 31-year-old smashed through the door of the property with four charity boxes stolen. A dad was caught trying to smuggle 2m worth of heroin into the UK using his 'partner and young children as cover' after a "Christmas market" trip to Germany. The 51-year-old left victim Deborah Knapper - who has since quit her job because of anxiety - with fractures to her nose and face. The knife was not routinely carried; he tells me he was planning to help his stepson fix a TV aerial but plans changed and the knife was in his pocket, Mr Traynor said. Porter has been warned he could face further criminal prosecution if he enters the stores over the next four years. The court heard Michael Reader was money obsessed and stalked his ex-wife for months as they went through a battle over their finances. I will blow your head off. The court heard that Shaw has one previous conviction for possession of a knife which occurred around a month before this incident and resulted in a three-month suspended sentence in May. He had fled the country by the time this matter came to court and was convicted of burglary and two counts of car theft in his absence. He received 11 and a half years imprisonment. At around midnight she left to get in a taxi home but was followed by Suliman, who climbed into the same taxi and gave the driver his own address. After Ms Hachem fell to the ground, passers-by stopped and tried to help, but her injuries were already fatal. Psychological analysis identified issues of childhood trauma which were being amplified by use of alcohol, cannabis and cocaine. Police traced a bungling burglar who broke into a veterinary centre and a chippy because he left some blood at the scene of his crimes. Witnesses described David Turner, 31, driving 'like a maniac' reaching speeds of 72mph and revving his engine "like a racing car driver.". Carney, of Victoria Street, Fleetwood, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 16 years and seven months. Officers also discovered that Edwards had made some attempts to recently redecorate, with a wall adjacent to a staircase being painted over and some of the sitting room walls covered with wallpaper and paint. Her mother Caitlin Jones, 22, admitted manslaughter and was jailed for five years, eight months in April. An investigation was put together and through forensic evidence and telephone records, Dar was charged with being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs. It is believed that Edwards wore the mask whilst assaulting her. They approached the vehicle and Elliott, of Lowcroft, Skelmersdale, appeared very nervous inside, stumbling over his words. In July 2020 the mother of one of Currans victims noticed a change in her daughters behaviour and checked her iPad. Butler, of Walker Street, Preston was sentenced to 11 years in prison, with a further three years on licence. The victim suffered a significant cut to his elbow, cuts to his ears and was left struggling to walk due to a knee injury. In a victim personal statement Mr Burgess said he feared losing his job of 41 years and he was concerned about the impact this could have had on the reputation of the company. Both vehicles later stopped close to the junction with Freckleton Street and Mr Dean got out of the van to speak to Rowbottom, standing in front of the Nissan. He was convicted of possession with intent to supply cocaine. Alison, 36, suffered fatal injuries after a car deliberately mounted a kerb in on King Street in Blackburn, flinging her 13 metres into the air. After the assault, Taberner texted the victim acknowledging what he had done and apologised. He himself was a chronic drug user at the time of the offence. As he entered his dining room he was confronted by two men - including Farnworth - wearing balaclavas and searching through boxes of cutlery. Both Henwood and Hindle were said to have been long-term users of Class A drugs. Miss Gerry QC read out a lengthy quote from John Steinbecks classic novel Of Mice And Men relating to the characters of Lennie and Crooks which is said to reveal much about the vulnerability of those who find themselves on the fringe of mainstream society. He immediately grabbed hold of the woman and threw her into the shower during the "extremely distressing" attack. Fielding pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Tucker was a passenger while Bullows was driving the vehicle. The victim suffered life-threatening head injuries including multiple skull fractures. Recorder Michael Blakey, sentencing, said: "Dealing class A drugs is a dreadful offence for these reasons: it creates difficulties in society, it creates offences and in certain circumstances it can lead to people's deaths. Recorder Gilbart described Murphy as intelligent and articulate but said he was a prolific offender. A martial arts instructor who used to run classes at schools in East Lancashire has been jailed after plying a vulnerable teenage girl with alcohol and drugs before having sex. He was told he could apply for parole two-thirds of the way through his sentence. Failed to give information relating to identification of driver suspected of an offence; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending. That is your chance to follow your word and make sure you dont end up here again.. The work of the surgery was disrupted for those doing nothing more than providing healthcare for members of the public. They had also suffered financially through insurance excess on top of the loss of sentimental items. His knowledge did not stop at history his intelligence was most impressive, always knowing the answers to the most obscure questions while not having a clue about the latest reality tv shows, perfect to have on your team at the pub quiz. On January 6, while receiving medical care, Sculpher assaulted a member of hospital staff and threw a table at him. On January 17, Farnworth's first victim left her property on Mottram Road, Hyde before returning three days later to find that her property had been burgled and electrical goods including a laptop and phone, jewellery, and multiple other items had all been stolen. He knows his days are numbered.. The Honorary Recorder of Preston Judge Robert Altham said the defendant poses a "significant, ongoing danger to children.". He was taken to hospital in a serious condition, but thankfully his injuries did not prove fatal. A CT scan revealed multiple pieces of shotgun pellet in his head, which required surgery to remove. Prior to the incident outside nightclub, there had been an altercation between Clarke and the two victims a man and a woman who are both in their 20s in a nearby pub. Wed like to set additional cookies so we can remember your settings, understand how people use the service and to improve government services. Jonathan Doran battered both victims and left them with black eyes and cut heads after returning home earlier than planned. "The rib fractures are so numerous it is difficult to determine precisely how many rib fractures have been sustained but there are at least 25. Osbaldeston was sentenced to a total of 15 years custody and a further four years extended licence, after Recorder Nicholas Clarke QC deemed him to be a dangerous offender. They attacked a group of men drinking in the street, shouting 'kill the non-believers' and describing themselves as the Muslim Patrol.". The CPS said that the properties were targeted in a sophisticated operation. Ibrahim Ajbeer, 30, of Preston, has been jailed for nearly seven years following the attack. Hunt, of Whitburn, Skelmersdale, told police that his earnings from selling the Class B drug was 200 a week. Dyson, of Brown Street, Chorley, has been sentenced to 18 years after Judge Graham Knowles said he was "callous, self centred and dangerous". Coulthwaite said they would "kiss and cuddle and feel each other" before listing sex acts he wanted to perform. Officers also found 3,740 cash, a burner phone which was later linked to a number of cannabis grow houses and Van Dangs , and a utility bill in Van Dangs Range Rover for a property in Market Street, Tottington, which was found to contain hundreds of cannabis plants. Well he will have to grow up very quickly, he has made his choice, the judge responded. Defending, Wayne Jackson said Bennett was finally beginning to deal with his anger problems, was no longer taking drugs and planned to leave Skelmersdale to stay away from trouble. She felt dizzy and recalls feeling sick. Fox, who is now 62, met his victim through private music lessons and began to make inappropriate comments towards her, before he moved on to physical abuse. He said hes a cannabis user who became an addict, an addict who became indebted and that has inevitably led into dealing.. She poses some risk but it can be managed.. A drug detection dog was brought in, and packages of heroin were found in a concealment which had been built in to a storage compartment at the rear. The Honorary Recorder of Preston, Judge Robert Altham said: The fear caused was considerable over a lengthy period of time.