(Garibay, 2/12), Sacramento Bee: Moms 4 Housing Took A Stand Against Oaklands Housing Crisis. Employers are responsible for keeping the work environment safe. Two years ago, a group of young homeless mothers and their children won a battle over a vacant home in Oakland, catapulting the group Moms 4 Housing to international attention and shining a light on the citys skyrocketing homeless crisis.I n late December, the first official tenants a mother and her toddler son moved into the West Oakland home on Magnolia Street where sheriffs deputies had arrived two years ago in armored vehicles to break down the doors and forcibly remove several families living illegally in the property. (Herper, Florko and Branswell, 2/11), Bay Area News Group: Copyright Stanislaus County, California 2022. The Bay Area native is a graduate of UC Berkeley and started at the Los Angeles Times in 2004. A very public act just turned personal. The order was meant to reduce the rate of community spread as capacity at hospitals was in jeopardy, officials said in a news release. Depending on the ventilation in buildings and vulnerability of students, the protection measures may vary in different classrooms, schools and school districts, the county health agency said. Get your kids and yourself vaccinated and boosted. The proliferation of new mask recommendations illustrates how rapidly the pandemic trajectory has shifted in the aftermath of Californias June 15 reopening, and how officials are increasingly turning to a familiar tool in hopes of blunting transmission. MODESTO, Calif. (KTXL) Masks are no longer required for some people in Stanislaus County. But the CBS News-YouGov poll found that most Americans still support mask requirements for indoor venues. If the CDC revises definitions of the COVID-19 Community Levels, CDPH will reassess these recommendations as well. The number of COVID-infected patients in hospital intensive care units exceeded 70 early this week, leaving a small number of those beds available. The city's chief . More on California This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. County public health is advising schools to assess ventilation in their buildings and the vulnerability of schoolchildren to severe COVID-19. wearing a mask indoors. Practically speaking, many health and law enforcement officials favor educating residents about the rules and urging adherence rather than writing tickets. Turlock Homeless Emergency: Has City Helped Unsheltered? (Anderson, 2/14), Bay Area News Group: COVID-19 test sites close in Stanislaus County as state ends emergency declaration, Cardiovascular deaths rose in first years of COVID, study says. Do children For how long. L.A. Affairs: My divorce isnt contagious. Gavin Newsom to set aside funding in next years budget to pay for programming found to prevent sexual and domestic violence prevention. 96%. ', Modesto Bee: They are strongly encouraged to provide masks at no cost to patrons, the order says. This [masking] just levels the playing field. See the states rules and standards on how your employer can protect you and your colleagues. To support our commitment to public service journalism: Subscribe Now. UC Davis experts advised people in high-risk categories to remain cautious and stay up to date on vaccinations. Health officials say it is the least disruptive and most immediately impactful step to try to curb COVID infections. Democratic lawmakers had included the fund in their version of the state budget last year as part of a broader public health package focused on reducing racial disparities. Turn on exposure notifications in your Apple or Android phone. The Food and Drug Administration, worried about the omicron variants toll on kids, had taken the extraordinary step of urging Pfizer to apply for OK of the extra-low dose vaccine before its clear if tots will need two shots or three. Some of the unsheltered called on the city to change its strategy, while shelter providers said they have not reached capacity since the city began the local emergency July 9. Knotts, SeaWorld Drop Mask Requirements; Universal, Six Flags Keep Them In Place, Dallas Morning News: When both The study also identified a jump in the rate of stillborns, to 2.7%, during the period when the delta variant emerged last summer. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators. The, en Endangered fish are struggling to survive. Heres How To Decide This article has Unlimited Access. Walmart And Sams Club Lift Mask Mandate For Vaccinated Employees, Newsweek: We are entering the season where respiratory viruses, including the virus that causes COVID19, thrive and spread. Rong-Gong Lin II is a Metro reporter based in San Francisco who specializes in covering statewide earthquake safety issues and the COVID-19 pandemic. (Bedayn, 2/14), EdSource: to Default, Certificates, Licenses, Permits and Registrations, Registered Environmental Health Specialist, California Health Facilities Information Database, Chronic Disease Surveillance and Research, Division of Radiation Safety and Environmental Management, Center for Health Statistics and Informatics, Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program, Office of State Public Health Laboratory Director, at risk of severe illness of death if they are infected with COVID-19, Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations, Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) PDF, CDPH Masking Guidance Frequently Asked Questions, COVID-19 Guidance for Child Care Providers and Programs, CDC Science Brief: Community Use of Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cody said the county can drop its masking requirement starting today because hospitalizations. Check the county's community level and learn more about the recommendations below. (Jimenez and Rowan, 2/13), San Diego Union-Tribune: For today's national health news, read KHN'sMorning Briefing. L.A. County was at the forefront of the new push for wider indoor masking recommending in late June that all residents wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of whether theyve been vaccinated against COVID-19. If you live or have social contact with a vulnerable person, wearing a mask is recommended around them. A CDC California Healthline 1998-2023. Climate Crisis And Systemic Inequities Drive Push To Reform California Water Laws Of Californias 58 counties, only L.A. County has mandated that masks be worn indoors. Especially, when you look at the non-COVID-19 demands on our hospitals, we need to do something to protect our local hospitals so we have capacity to take care of everyday medical needs, Chiesa said. the Superior Court of Alameda County lifts its mask mandate, no longer requiring masks in Court-controlled portions of courthouses. As of Monday, Stanislaus County had a COVID-19 case rate of 18.2 per 100,000 population, the lowest in two months. Gavin Newsom Feb. 8 amid the continued omicron surge. NUMBER: 21-30A DATE: September 2, 2021 The vaccines are effective against the delta variant and other coronavirus variants, the county said, adding that thousands of partially vaccinated individuals should get a second dose. Vulnerable People: Heres How To Decide, Modesto Bee: Now Their Home Has Its First Residents County health officials will assess the situation with hospitals and COVID-19 transmission as it evolves and may modify the health order or issue additional orders as circumstances dictate, the county said. The indoor mask mandate is expected to be in effect until Jan. 15, 2022 . Learn how to care for yourself and others if you are exposed. From what the CDC and the (California health department) have learned about masking, it looks like masking is the least disruptive measure to slow the rate of transmission and keep our county moving forward.. STANISLAUS COUNTY, Calif. Stanislaus County is reinstating its indoor mask mandate as coronavirus infections continue to surge upward. The announcement from the Stanislaus County Health Services Agency takes effect immediately. About 60% of Californians now live in a county that either recommends or requires indoor masking for all individuals, including those vaccinated for COVID-19. When choosing to wear a mask, ensure your mask provides the best. STANISLAUS COUNTY, Calif. Stanislaus County is reinstating its indoor mask mandate as coronavirus infections continue to surge upward. Follow your countys community level to determine masking recommendations in your area. Been Fully Vaccinated, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, In healthcare facilities including hospitals, doctor's offices, and labs, In long-term care settings and adult and senior care facilities, At your workplace if required by your employer, Are working alone in a closed office or room, Are swimming or showering in a fitness facility, Are obtaining a medical/cosmetic service involving the nose or face that requires you to remove your Official California State Government Website, COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations, Long-term care and adult senior care settings, Those for whom a mask could obstruct breathing, Those communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, In outbreaks, wear masks indoors and outdoors when you cant maintain six feet of distance, Workers should train for outdoor use of face coverings. County sheriffs and city police chiefs may enforce health orders, according to the California Peace Officers Association. Stanislaus County Leader To Deliver Speech As Omicron Fades, Politico: Do You Need Your Mask? The main concern is our community members letting their guard down. It said a large increase in COVID hospitalizations is threatening the local healthcare system. Stanislaus County issued a more targeted recommendation, saying, If you or someone in your household is 65 or older, has risk factors for COVID-19, or has any conditions or medications that lower your immune system, thereby lowering your chances of developing immunity from the vaccine, Public Health recommends wearing a mask indoors.. To stem this rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission and hospitalizations, the best protection for our community against this virus is to continue to increase the number of people vaccinated, the news release said. Since its presence was confirmed in California in April, Delta has rapidly become the states dominant strain, accounting for 48.8% of all cases analyzed in June. , For additional information on the most effective types of masks and ensuring a well-fitted mask for adults, individuals should refer to CDPH Since June 15 the day most COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in California the average daily infection rate in Stanislaus County has increased nine-fold and testing positivity is up four-fold, county officials said. But now its up to us, not health officials, to decide when masks are needed in most places. some protection against exposure for the person wearing the mask. Protect yourself and others by keeping these common-sense safety steps in mind. Since California reopened its economy and lifted most health restrictions June 15, the countys daily case rate has increased nine-fold and test positivity has risen four-fold, the news release said. The key drivers of higher expenses were hospital and medical services and outpatient pharmacy because more drugs were dispensed from medical offices than hospitals, KPs treasurer said. Racism in Academic Medicine. may not be accurately translated due to the limitations of the translation software. Evidence of waning protection "reinforces the importance of further consideration of additional doses to sustain or improve protection" against Covid-19-linked hospitalizations and emergency department visits, one of the studies says. The 72 local districts that govern the colleges and the state have virtually ignored a nagging issue: There is little funding to cover health benefits for two-thirds of their academic workforce. Thats a question experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are asking this month as health officials try to persuade more vaccine-eligible holdouts about one in five Americans to go for the shots. (Halkias, 2/11), Newsweek: The state is relaxing COVID-19 mask requirements because of declining cases and hospitalizations. , Masks are especially important in settings where vulnerable people are residing or being cared for, and increasingly important as the risk for transmission increases in the community. Wearing a mask is recommended in indoor public places. speaks, coughs, or sneezes, including someone who has COVID-19 but feels well. Elliott: Kings use their heads over hearts in trading Jonathan Quick, A $150,000 executive protection dog? L.A. County officials have said they could impose more restrictions if conditions worsen but have not provided details. The mask order hopefully would help stop the transmission of the virus even more.. How the Health Care System Undermines Black Californians Pursuit of Good Health. It will take weeks to know for sure. You're using an older browser which may not be able to function correctly on the following site. Hidden, illegal casinos are booming in L.A., with organized crime reaping big profits, Best coffee city in the world? Blue states are ditching their school mask mandates, but California is stuck as powerful teachers unions push back. This Order requiring all individuals to wear face coverings is necessary to control and reduce the rate of community spread, support our healthcare system, and to reinforce the need for safe interactions, health officials said in a press release. Is It Finally Time To Take Your Mask Off? After years of mask mandates and COVID-19 protocols, you might be wondering just how long this pandemic is going to last. (Howard, 2/13), AP: Turlock Homeless Emergency: Has City Helped Unsheltered? Yesterday's announcement applies to all persons, regardless of vaccine status, with few specific exceptions: (Macdonald, 2/14) Dallas Morning News: Walmart And Sam's Club Lift Mask Mandate For Vaccinated Employees Although California has a budget surplus, Newsom did not set aside money for this work in his January budget proposal, something that did not sit well with coalition leaders. Masks are still required in certain places and situations, such as those listed above. The center was launched in early March 2020 after the county's health department became . Wearing a mask is recommended in crowded indoor public spaces. Were still in a pandemic, Kaur said. The report, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday, is considered an early and limited look at the durability of booster protection during the omicron surge that exploded in December and January but has been fading in recent weeks. It's available and confidential for everyone in California. Plans to attempt to authorize the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine for children under 5 before full data are available appear to have run aground. events with 10,000 or more people. Where do I still need a mask in California? (Asimov, 2/13), Bay Area News Group: The agency is strongly recommending continued use of masks in indoor public places as a layer of protection. The county is recommending businesses provide face coverings for customers who enter their premises. More recently, teachers have demanded better masks and more testing to guard against the Omicron variant. People can choose to wear a mask at any time. CA Advocates Urge Newsom To Spend More On Domestic Violence, Bay Area News Group: Placer County To Vote On Anti-Camping Ordinance For Homeless Officials hope that masking up in indoor public areas will slow the spread. Health care facilities and other high-risk setting operators should develop and implement their own facility-specific plans based on their community, patient population, and other facility considerations incorporating CDPH and CDC recommendations.. Starting Tuesday, masks will be recommended, but not required, for unvaccinated individuals in most public indoor settings in California. (Carlson, 2/14), Politico: So far, Orange County, San Bernardino and Riverside counties have not announced any new recommendations on indoor mask wearing. The county announced the public health order in a news release Thursday. CHCF commissioned a study that listens deeply to Black Californians talking about their experiences with racism and health care. The agencys plan could have allowed vaccinations to begin within weeks. (Luthi and Colliver, 2/13), Sacramento Bee: You may choose to wear a mask at any time. As Turlock passed the seven-month mark of its declared unsheltered homeless crisis, community members from shelter providers and business owners to people living on the streets shared varying perspectives on the issue. Below, check out the roundup of California Healthlines coverage. Here is the latest advice. Stanislaus County will require people to wear a mask indoors in public settings and workplaces, effective Saturday, in an effort to slow down the recent COVID-19 surge. Heres what it means for you, Catching COVID may increase chances of developing an autoimmune disease, study says, What to do if your COVID test expires or if you test positive? Restrictions that ended on June 15, 2021 include: Read the Governors orders N-07-21 and N-08-21. One-third of California counties are now urging even fully vaccinated people to wear masks indoors as coronavirus cases continue to rise across the state. Wearing a mask is strongly recommended in indoor public places. Now, an international group of resuscitation and drowning experts has weighed in on how to safely revive a drowned person. The department continues to ask all Angelenos to abide by the mask mandate, recognizing that the recent resurgence is troubling, LAPD Chief Michel Moore said Monday. (Peele, 2/14), Los Angeles Times: Californias mask requirements for K-12 schools, which have sparked protests in this county and elsewhere, will be revised to a strong recommendation March 12. When Stanislaus County Board Chairman Terry Withrow will deliver the State of the County address Tuesday evening just before the states coronavirus mask mandate expires. And in Los Angeles County, indoor masking isnt voluntary its now the law. What are my Please continue to take measures to protect yourself and your loved ones, said Dr. Julie Vaishampayan, Stanislaus County Public Health Officer. "It is frustrating, but it will help keep our community safe," said Stanislaus County Public Health Services . . Walmart sent a memo to its U.S. workforce Friday afternoon lifting its mask mandate for fully vaccinated employees at Walmart and Sams Clubs, unless required by state and local mandate. at risk of severe illness of death if they are infected with COVID-19. UC Davis experts advised people in high-risk categories to remain cautious and stay up to date on vaccinations. Local health jurisdictions and entities can implement additional requirements that go beyond this statewide guidance based on local circumstances. Last updatedAugust 15, 2022 at 3:25PM PM. Have a bag Consider wearing a mask in crowded indoorpublic places. The Stancounty.Com website has been translated for your convenience using translation software powered by Google Translate. properly wear a mask? MS 0500 The California Nurses Association condemned the March 3 announcement by California Department of Public Health that mask and vaccine requirements would be lifted April 1 in the state's health . Experts Offer Guidelines For Safely Reviving Drowning Victims During Pandemic, Reveal: The 2023 CHCF California Health Policy Survey. Get tested for COVID-19 if you may have been exposed. California Department of Public Health Republicans immediately criticized the proposal as government overreach. Vaccination is safe, effective, and free. A Settlement: San Mateo County has agreed to pay $4.5 million to the family of a Black man who died in 2018 after a deputy used a Taser on him during a struggle that began when . You may be contagious and not know it. Stanislaus County's mask mandate was revoked Monday for some individuals, according to public health officials. Despite efforts to boost vaccination numbers across the region since last fall, Black and Latino teens ages 12 and up remain less likely to be vaccinated for the virus than their White and Asian classmates, a Bay Area News Group analysis of data from local school districts and public health departments found. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its available and confidential for everyone in California. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. People can wear a mask based on personal preference, informed by their own personal level of risk. Yes. This is increasingly important as the risk for transmission increases in the community. A majority of Americans still support mask mandates even as states continue to relax their rules regarding masking, according to a new poll on Sunday. (Smith, 2/14), City News Service: The Greatest Danger Of COVID During Pregnancy Is Not To Baby But To Mom CDPH Masks for Kids: Tips and Resources. California Healthline is a service of the California Health Care Foundation produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation. Across the country, conservative foes of abortion rights have pushed heartbeat bills that would ban abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy, when an embryos cardiac activity can be detected. If you are a vulnerable person* or live with a vulnerable person*, consider taking additionalprecautions. If you live with a vulnerable person, consider taking additional precautions. The California Department of Public Health made the announcement Wednesday following . Read more from AP, the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle and Bay Area News Group. The county will implement the mandatory face covering order Monday. More on California. When cases are on the rise or your risk is higher, increase your protection by upgrading your mask. The cities of Pasadena and Long Beach, which have their own independent health . They can also provide (Stanton, 2/13), Bay Area News Group: Knotts, SeaWorld Drop Mask Requirements; Universal, Six Flags Keep Them In Place This includes those with weak immune systems, those who are pregnant, and the unvaccinated. What did Disney actually lose from its Florida battle with DeSantis? need to use masks as well? Modesto Bee: Here is the latest advice. Effective April 3, 2023,the updated guidance is intended to provide information that each Californian should consider based on their unique circumstances. Newsom told reporters last week that his office was getting closer and closer to an announcement regarding school mask mandates. Placer County declares state emergency ahead of more winter storms, You can never repay the damage | California Reparations Task Force meeting in Sacramento. Get the ABC10 mobile app for breaking news alerts, live shows and to send us news tips. Very young children must not wear a mask because of the risk of suffocation. . Regardless of the COVID-19 community levels, CDPH recommends: There is lower community spread and impact on healthcare system of COVID-19. Bay Area News Group: He earned his bachelors degree in journalism from the University of Arizona. Sacramento, CA 95899-7377, For General Public Information: Consider wearing a mask in indoor areas of public transportation (such as in airplanes, trains, buses, ferries) and transportation hubs (such as airports, stations, and seaports). This story was originally published September 2, 2021, 1:12 PM.