. She says her parents, Merlin Barnum Kingston (John Ortell's brother) and Joyce Fransden, were uncle and niece. . Aleck is a geneticist who participated along with Tarby and others in the groundbreaking study of several polygamous families with fumarase deficiency in the late 1990s. By 1935, his followers began to move to Bountiful, Utah, intending to live under a United Order communal program as defined by Joseph Smith in the Doctrine and Covenants. Their brains, he says, 'are strangely shaped' and are frequently missing large areas of brain matter that has been replaced by water. "The baby, delivered at Johnson's home in 1983, was taken to Primary Children's Medical Center. "In the FLDS community, marriages with cousins and other relatives are common, Bistline said. "There is too little empirical data of uncle-niece, half-brother/half-sister mating to draw firm conclusions about the IQ, survival rates, birth defects or longevity of their offspring, he says. . . . These wives sometimes became known, sometimes not. The samples could be tested for the gene at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. "The Mormons, well-known for genealogical record keeping, maintain birth, marriage and death information at church libraries and now on the Internet. Why is this? . It alleges sex trafficking, sexual battery and child abuse, and seeks a jury trial and unspecified damages. Her subject at the convention was mormon child sexual abuse. . . All went bareheaded and barefoot. . Early polygamy was rife with incestuous and eugenic ideas and practices as well. . Women, meanwhile, allegedly gain status by being pure of blood and obedient, becoming the first wives of higher-ranking numbered men, and bearing many children. . Various congenital and genital defects, dwarfism, fused limbs, fingernails lacking, mental illness and mental retardation, spina bifida, and microcephalous are some of the diseases and mutations. In recent years, former members have lobbied for law enforcement to take action against the sect. . Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a302ff8194befb0 Evidence exists that this gene pool foments a genetic and human catastrophe. Brother Elden had received a new dispensation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 'Most of what you print is lies, lies, lies.' living in Colorado City and Hildale are blood descendants of the Barlows and the Jessops, says Benjamin Bistline, a lifelong resident of the area who has published a book . "Genealogists and especially epidemiologists must be scrupulous in identifying all the wives and children of any polygamist man. 'They are totally helpless,' he says. . lucky The FLDS already has moved several hundred men, women and children to the compound, many of whom very likely carry the fumarase deficiency gene. . "Warren Jeffs, like Joseph Smith before him, has emphasized the importance of obedience among members of the church. They own many businesses and have ties with hundreds of businesses here in Utah and our neighboring states. "15 years ago, a strange-looking child suffering from severe physical maladies and acute retardation was brought into the office of [pedatric neurologist] Dr. Theodore Tarby. And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. ", "Utah investigated the polygamous Kingston Group for welfare fraud 2 years ago. . 'If you cross a Barlow and Jessop, you stand a high risk of getting this condition,' Tarby says. . . This is a rare disorder and medical descriptions of trisome infants are too dreadful to describe here. "He sent her to live in a coal yard with other polygamous wives and their many children in South Salt Lake, visiting her rarely and usually only to have sex, she testified. We cannot afford to neglect the possibility our ancestors practiced a form of marriage that was unhealthy and debilitating to our children, to us, and to society. ". He estimates the test would . Certainly if MORmON Jesus had done this, we would hear all about it from the LDS as *proof* that God was doing his modern work via MORmONISM, but alas there is no such manifestation ! . "Tarby says he explained to [a] gathering at [a] Town Hall in Colorado City that the only way to stop fumarase deficiency in the community is to abort fetuses that test positive for the disease and for the community to stop intermarriages between Barlows and Jessops, Barlows and Barlows and Jessops and Jessops. Could my childish intuition that the adults and doctors lips were sealed against my questions involve family secrets; secrets relatives took to their graves rather than betray? ", -Apostle George A Smith, "Journal of Discourses," vol. The Doctrine and Covenants admonishes the Saints to look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief that they shall not suffer (D&C 38:35). Then, while still a young man, [my cousin] died of nephritis, the fatal family inheritance. "Ex-members' claims of incest are bolstered by court records claiming John Ortell 'failed either to support or acknowledge' three children by his niece, (Susan) Mary Gustafson. First, an overview: --"God's Brothel": A Review of Polygamy's Brutal Underworld Mormon Roots. . 'And I've seen others that are totally laid out. unavailable to researchers. ozpoof 'He wanted to control his children and grandchildren through genetics. So many young people.'. . By the time Joseph Smith Jessop died in September 1953, he already had 112 grandchildren, the majority of them directly descended from him and Yeates. Members' financial holdings are believed to include: a 300-acre (1.2km2) dairy farm in Davis County; a 3,200-acre (13km2) farm in Tetonia, Idaho; a coal mine in Emery County;[24] 1,200 acres (4.9km2) in Terreton, Idaho; a cattle ranch and a discount store; Desert Tech Firearms; a grocery store; and a restaurant supply in many western cities including Tucson, Phoenix, Denver, Las Vegas, Boise, and Portland. 'I said, "You're married to somebody you're related to. . She's worked for lawyers who brought these cases to light and needed help with mormon terminology and ward politics workings. [40] In 2009, the then-Attorney General of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, claimed that child marriages within polygamous societies in Utah, such as the Latter Day Church of Christ, had "effectively stopped". "It is Moore-Emmett's belief that the LDS Church who started polygamy in this country should take responsibility and provide financial aid and other resources for those polygamous families who have been abused. [45] Members allege to have been targeted for audit at a rate over 9x the published IRS average for the general population, with no pattern of fraud being found outside of a couple of bad-actors. . . Exhibiting LGBTQ+ tendencies can indicate impure blood, according to the lawsuit. . . There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. . "Medical experts say the incidence of the disorder will increase because the FLDS community is refusing to accept recommendations to reduce the likelihood of producing babies with fumarase deficiency. Derman was found guilty of masterminding the scheme in March 2020. He prepared urine samples and sent them to the University of Colorado Science Center's Dr. Steve Goodman, a professor of pediatrics who runs a laboratory that detects rare genetic diseases. Connie Rugg, one of Ortells plural wives remembered: [Ortell Kingston] experimented inbreeding with his cattle and then he turned to his children.[4] Ortell desired to perfect his own bloodline and implemented practices that encouraged marriages of close relatives. The SPLC estimates there are . "Every person carries some lethal genes. "'People don't like to talk about their fumarase babies for obvious reasons,' Wyler says. The early Mormon Church practiced polygamy until 1890, when leaders abandoned the practice as a condition for Utah to gain statehood. "[44] Members claim they have been broadly and unfairly targeted by authorities for the negative actions of a small few. Through diligent money management and hard work, the Davis County Cooperative Society became very financially successful. "Our ancestral destiny meant we might give birth to sons who would die at maturity or daughters who would carry the trait to the next generation of sons. . 'Children should not be victims of such programs.'. ("Doctrine & Covenants," Section 132, verses 55, 62-63), "Joseph Smith also testified an angel with a sword came to him many times and commanded him to practice polygamy or else he would lose his life. . He faces up to 30 years in. 13, p. 195, "We breathe the free air, we have the best looking men and handsomest women, and if they (non-Mormons) envy us our position, well they may, for they are a poor, narrow-minded, pinch-backed race of men, who chain themselves down to the law of monogamy, and live all their days under the dominion of one wife. A young child is also one of the accusers in the suit with allegations the child was raped by his or her father, who allegedly raped the mother. But now that it was appearing in two children in the same family was an indication it was being spread by a gene that was getting passed to the children by their parents. "The widespread presence of the fumarase deficiency gene in the bloodlines of the founding families of Colorado City is going to make reaching any such goal extremely difficult. For a man of God to be confined to one woman is small business. 'If you stop the sexual predation, you stop the genetic problem as well. The accusers also claim that the group arranged child marriages so that girls would become pregnant and beholden to their husbands and the religious sect. This denial is hollow considering the record. The groups, whose members believe polygamy brings exaltation in heaven, are offshoots of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. and councilmen.' "The same right of marriage approval was wielded by John Ortell Kingston, who began the incestuous lineage. . First, the truth and the priesthood keys are dispensed from heaven to a prophet on earth. Children of the latter variety, he says, 'can't crawl. But in a 2News . on the flat hay fields that stretch from the edge of Woods Cross to the crusty shores of the Great Salt Lake, that John Ortell Kingston studied the genetics of in-line breeding. . shocking stuff AFAIK it's quite contrary, for example MENA / Pakistan people very often marry 1st cousins. Why do we believe in and practice polygamy? Most populations outbreed and so these lethal genes rarely match to cause any serious diseases. According to Mormonism's top leaders: "Since the founding of the Roman empire monogamy has prevailed more extensively than in times previous to that. Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism, 2023 Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism, Joseph Smith Restores the Practice of Plural Marriage, Plural Marriage Commanded, Permitted, and Not Permitted, 1920sPolygamists Coalesce into an Organization, Lorin C. Woolley and His Council of Seven Friends, Independent Polygamists and Fundamentalists. The Southern Poverty Law Center recognizes the Kingston clan as an " incest and white supremacy " group for its practices outlined in Escaping Polygamy, which include teaching children to not associate themselves with non-white people and, as mentioned by the lawsuit, marrying underage children off to family members of The Order. It may be that the Co-op is trying to help the poor in some anonymous way, but I have seen no evidence of it. The lone man suing said three Order men raped him when he was 16 or 17 and that when he left the group and announced he was gay, was tracked down and severely beaten by a group of boys acting at the direction of the Order, the lawsuit alleges. Only the FLDS prophet can arrange and perform polygamous marriages, and those marriages are taking place in a community in which almost everybody is related. . Had these defects clumped in my own family as it seemingly appeared to me? v. Kingston, et al., Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, UT (2022)", "Fallout from Washakie fraud could cost polygamous Kingston Group members their businesses and homes", https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/07/29/fallout-washakie-fraud/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Latter_Day_Church_of_Christ&oldid=1137075084, Jason Kingston allegedly had a relationship with his half-sister Andrea Johnson, who became pregnant in 1992. . Two weeks after is excommunication, Kingston had a dream wherein he believed he was visited by Jesus Christ and God the Father. Over the past decades, the Kingston Group has maintained extreme secrecy while developing an extensive cooperative system, with wealth in at least 50 corporations in Utah and scattered across the West. [15][16] The Grand Jury was described as "The polygamist hunting Davis County Grand Jury" by the Ogden Standard-Examiner in 1959. . ", (Linda Walker, "Fatal Inheritance: Mormon Eugenics," under "Science as Culture," originally written in the fall of 1991, updated in the summer of 1999, citations included, at: http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/walker.html) . People are always trying to find people who are inferior and brand them as such.' . The group also teaches its members that only those with so-called pure blood will survive the apocalypse, according to the lawsuit. The Twelve Apostles of Mormonism then acted to increase this familial relationship by marrying other relatives until in 1877, at the end of Brigham Youngs reign as Mormon Prophet and King, the polygamous hierarchy became l00% interrelated. "It's unlikely the polygamous community will heed the doctor's advice. We specifically read that the law of consecration is designed to administer to the poor and the needy (D&C 42:35). [I]t appears that Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife also passed on the rare genetic disorder fumarase deficiency. Lucky was the first to die in my generation. . 11, p. 128, ". But it is unclear how such assets are exalting the poor or making the rich low. . "All of these men have or had multiple wives and scores of children. [w]omen do not have the freedom to consider how often she can give birth and maintain her health. Articles of Incorporation of the Davis County Cooperative Society, 7 February 1941. "The Kingstons are among a small number of family groups in the world who marry closer than first cousins on a regular basis. During the 1920s, hundreds of dissenters from the LDS Church gathered into specific groups across the Wasatch Front. . Photocopy in authors possession. People in plural marriages and held above those aren't. People who are members of the Kingston family by blood are held up higher than members of the Clan who are not also blood members of the Kingston family. But residents who are aware of fumarase deficiency fear that the number of children afflicted with the disease will indeed increase. . "'My mother should not have produced another baby," says Rugg, also Isabell and John Ortell's daughter and the baby's full sister. The children live in the twin polygamist communities of Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah. David Kingston was released from prison in 2003. 'We do know there are biological hazards. [13][verification needed], The Latter Day Church of Christ is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, with a presence in Bountiful, Utah. 'And is that religion popular in heaven?' _____. Gallup Panel survey [conducted in August 2006] show[ed] that Americans are much more likely to believe most Mormons endorse practicing polygamy than to believe most Americans support it. lost the priesthood which had come down to them from the Prophet Joseph Smith. . Still, if children are caught up in an abusive or incestuous situation, Williams would encourage policing. "Dr. Vinodh Narayanan, a pediatric neurologist at St. Joseph's Hospital, says he is seeking funding to develop a test that would allow public health officials to collect voluntary blood samples from as many FLDS members as possible. One recent morning [John Ortell's niece and third wife, Mary Gustafson] defended her complicity in arranging her daughters' marriages to their half-brothers, sons of John Ortell and LaDonna. Escaped members report some patriarchs believe it is their duty to give a daughter her first marriage lessons. . _____. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Im a trophy husband with 3 wives they work while I stay home, I grew up in a cult with my dad, 5 moms and 44 siblings I loved my childhood, Polygamous leader accused of having underage wives pleads not guilty, I have 102 children but cant have more kids because of inflation, Squirrel to blame in temporary power outage in Minneapolis, Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, I'm a professional cleaner ditch these 4 household products immediately, Another train derails in Ohio, forces residents to shelter-in-place -- just weeks after East Palestine disaster, Tom Sandoval speaks out on Raquel Leviss affair: I deserve your anger, Shoeless Ariana Madix awkwardly tries to avoid cheating Tom Sandoval, Prince Harry was scared to lose Meghan Markle after fight that led to therapy, Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant allegedly flashes gun at a strip club, Chris Rock Places All The Blame On The Will Smith Slap On Jada Pinkett Smith And Red Table Talk: Everybody Called Him A Bitch!, Ariana Madix, Tom Sandoval have awkward moment amid cheating scandal. Initially, she tried to conceal her marital relationship. My aunt and uncle outlived two of their five children and two more may have nephritis. . . "Recently, another cousin fathered a child born with spinal bifida, inherited paralysis, an anomaly related to nephritis. present a troubling scenario for law enforcement: these are crimes of a sexual nature committed in private in a closed society. . The Kingstons represent an intriguing branch on the Mormon fundamentalist tree. . . 3, p. 291, "I have noticed that a man who has but one wife, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to wither and dry up, while a man who goes into plurality [of wives] looks fresh, young, and sprightly. Kimball. Men and boys wore blue coverall-type suits tied with strings; women and girls wore plain blue denim dresses. . ", -Prophet John Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. "Buried quietly on family farms, without notice of birth or death, child death often remains undocumented in polygamy clans. Some Kingston followers might justify their financial conglomerate by comparing it to the wealthy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . "Then, as generations of polygamous Kingston children have been taught, they demurred to questions about their father. "For the first time, the faith-promoting stories about my great-grandfathers heroism for defying the federal government when they outlawed polygamy interested me. Once a baby is born with the condition, Aleck says, 'You really can't treat the underlying disorder.' KUTV A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday.A Department of Justice Spokesman Peter Carr confirmed to KUTV that it is involved in . Mormons can now see why American citizens passed laws intended to stop polygamy, a relic of unwise prophecy, laws continuously disregarded in Utah, a state controlled by the Mormon Church, if they will only look. my question is: How come MORmON god does not get on board with His own programs? Faced with the forced marriage to an uncle, Rugg left the Kingstons. 'In the meantime, the taxpayers have to pay the bills. Certainly the British and French education systems make it clear quite early on (13-14 yrs old). Jacob Kingston told prosecutors the company was capable of producing some amounts of biodiesel, but in no year did it ever produce more than 8.5 million gallons. If male, some of these same 'worker bees' marry only once. I hate to talk like this about my own genealogy,' Wyler says, 'but, literally, they are keeping all the breeding stock--the women, the [strictly faithful] men--and weeding out the disobedient men. "Tarby said there could be hundreds of victims in coming generations. Elden theorized that living the law of consecration was still required, and he set forth to establish his own united order organization. This is a humane coping strategy devised to deal with a dilemma that devastated a woman taught from birth her only value was in the number of children she bore for the Kingdom of God. Isaac Wyler, a former FLDS member who was excommunicated from the church . I promised myself to find out the truth when I grew up. And Jeffs so far has shown no indication that he is concerned about the increasing prevalence of fumarase deficiency children in the community, former FLDS member Isaac Wyler says. An MRI of the brain of one fumarase deficiency child showed that more than half the brain was missing. . 'As soon as I saw her, I knew she had the same thing as her brother,' Tarby says. 5, p. 22, "Brethren, I want you to understand that it is not to be as it has been heretofore. . Tarby. "When asked, a little boy and girl at the home acknowledged who their mother is. 'We can only treat the complications of the disorder,' Aleck says. Half and full siblings are marrying in religious ceremonies. . . "'Incest as a policy or routine practice is rare,' says Melvin Williams, a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in the study of kinship systems. . July 1, 2020. I am convinced they do. Some of you may not believe this, but I not only believe it but I also know it. on the history of the fundamentalist community. . Kingston began preaching polygamy amongst fellow members of the LDS Church and distributing pamphlets and the book he had co-written, Laman Manasseh Victorious: A Message of Salvation and Redemption to His People Israel, First to Ephraim and Manasseh. The Bear Clan's Kevin Walker told Global News on Wednesday that while the organization is still actively hitting Winnipeg streets, the way they operate has changed due to COVID-19. '90% of the community is related to one side or the other,' said Bistline, a former member of the sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. . "What was going on in my Utah pioneer family? "Religious leaders control all marriages in the community, and many of these relatives have married or likely will marry in the future. With the dawn of the twenty-first century, lawsuits and education among Kingston followers would combine to create new obstacles, as leaders perpetuate this financially spiritual hybrid organization.