With the slice serve, youll want to make contact with the outer edge of the ball to generate sidespin. Topspin shots are also used to come towards the net as previously mentioned it pushes the opponent back, which gives you time to advance to the net. Slice Forehand & Backhand Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). What makes the slice serve unique is the sidespin applied, which causes the ball to move from right to left (if youre a righty) and continue to move in that direction off the bounce. A "tennis slice" is when the ball hits the ground and bounces back into play. The slice backhand suited their approach to the game, which was based on control rather than power. As the ball approaches and you rotate your shoulders to your left, bring your racquet back above your left shoulder.


Your stance resembles the stance you take when you step up to the plate and get ready to swing a baseball bat in both cases, your hands are up around your left shoulder. Disadvantages A low margin of error: Easily, the biggest downside of the hard flat serve is that it's challenging to keep it in, let alone place it well in the service box. As a result, the overuse of a hard flat serve can lead to giving away too many free points or forcing you to rely heavily on your second serve. The three primary types of tennis serves include the flat, slice, and kick serve. The loose surface dissipates sidespin so that heavy slice serves and sidespin-slice backhands, for example, turn less dramatically than they do on other surfaces. Instead of hitting through the ball as you would with a flat serve, youll want to hit up. what is a backhand slice in tennis; how to return a slice in tennis; disadvantages of topspin in tennis; slice serve in tennis disadvantages of topspin -easier to judge it's bounce pattern -requires more technique -if too much is applied it may go too low and hit net advantages of slice -low bounce -harder for opponent to read bounce pattern -doesn't require as much energy as topspin disadvantages of slice -it's a defensive shot -slower bounce -gives opponent time to think One of the best ways to increase your racquet head speed is to incorporate a wrist snap as you extend your arm to make contact with the tennis ball. Here are some tips on how to slice a ball in tennis: 1. Disguise is crucial, but if executed well against a player who is standing a long way back, it can be very effective. The racquet head instead should be pointing at the back fence, at about a 45-degree angle. They expect each ball to bounce to them after it lands, and they expect the ball to bounce low from a slice in order to avoid getting injured. Because of this added spin, the ball will bounce with significantly less height when reaching the opponent's side.The ball bouncing with less height then makes it more difficult for the opponent to return the slice, since they will have much less time to reach the ball from where they awaited the return. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. Since a big flat serve has a lower margin for error, its worth being thoughtful when you choose to use it. You may want to be slightly lower for a push as usually we play this shot against lower, backspin balls. Table tennis forehand push. The essence of a slice is that it is the opposite of a topspin. Your ability to hit more than one type of serve will allow you to be more competitive against different players and on various court surfaces. For a slice, you will need to grip the racket with an eastern or semi-western grip. . The forehand smash is a fast, hard and powerful stroke that aims to force the opponent away from the table or to win a point outright. But knowing how to use the topspin to your game (strategy) has its advantages: Aerodynamically it will appear to rise and then dip, kicking forward and up off the court surface when it lands. Helpful Tip: Return of serve. If you are happy to slice the ball back, the standard slice technique can be used, making sure that you stay in a low stance, as the ball may stay quite low. One of these techniques is the slice, which gives a confounding backspin to a serve or return.Find more information on slice strokes in tennis below. Wrist strains. It always adds to the entertainment value when it is played well. This is known as a squash shot and a good one will fly low and fast over the net. The truth is, a continental serve grip is highly effective for all types of tennis serves. Take a deep breath, bounce the ball, and consciously relax your muscles, including your grip and wrist. Slice shots can be good for making an opponent really stretch for a ball, but it is difficult to hit them with much pace. This brushing action means youre allowing the strings of your racquet to make contact with the outermost edge of the tennis ball, which causes the ball to spin and ultimately kick up off the ground when it hits the court. When comparing table tennis to tennis, golf, ice hockey, football, or nearly anything, you will find that it is rather cheap. Second, it can be difficult to generate power with a slice. If you are a beginner or recreational player, or a junior just considering your first full-sized racket, you will be pleased to know that Babolat offer a range aimed squarely at you. It doesn't break your bank. The flat serve is perhaps one of the most sought-after serves in tennis because its synonymous with power and the ability to hit an ace. Tennis may not be right for you if you suffer from heart disease or have high or low blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis. High bouncing balls are ideal for hitting slice shots, but you can play balls at any height with a slice by bending more at the knees and/or adjusting the height of your back and forward swings. Here too, it is necessary to make a distinction. Tennis is not recommended for individuals who. I got a chance to play junior and professional tournaments across the world, and in 2015 I began playing as the #1 player for Pepperdine University, a great division 1 school. The slice serve is a highly effective serve that can become a huge weapon when perfected. As the ball approaches and you rotate your shoulders to your left, bring your racquet back above your left shoulder. However, flat shots with little topspin won't bounce high - they'll almost skid across the court. A forehand push is a difficult defensive shot that requires the player to strike downwards on the back and underneath the ball to create backspin. Follow through until your racquet arm is fully extended, with the head pointing toward the ground at a moderate angle. You just need to learn to use it for a great slice serve, which takes time and patience. But don't use it as a substitute for your flat or topspin forehand. A topspin shot, on the other hand, rotates forward toward the opponent as it travels through the air. Do you like to hit a forehand slice? Both arms should be out in front of you. Believe it or not, when the pros hit a kick serve, their racquet is traveling at roughly the same rate or faster than their flat or slice serve. Learn with comprehensive resources to help you improve your game. Modern-day tennis players utilize topspin frequently, as it can appear that the ball will sail over the net and out of bounds before dropping well within the lines of play. An out-to-in movement can be incorporated to add side-spin. Disadvantages: Less consistent Worse aim Two hands Advantages: More consistent Better aim Disadvantages: Less power More effort required Quora User PTR Teaching Pro, Racquet technician Author has 468 answers and 678.1K answer views 7 y The one handed backhand really only has two obvious weaknesses in the hands of a top player. The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. The slice backhand offers the following practical and tactical advantages: A word of caution: Slice backhands make poor passing shots. In contrast, a sliced groundstroke will appear to be rotating anti-clockwise. Second, changing your grip can be a dead giveaway to your opponent as to what type of serve youre about to hit. The underarm serve is most widely employed by players with big serves and a good touch, such as Nick Kyrgios and Alexander Bublik.


High bouncing balls are ideal for hitting slice shots, but you can play balls at any height with a slice by bending more at the knees and/or adjusting the height of your back and forward swings. Within tennis, the serve is a bigger weapon for men than for women, in part . Turn the racquet face as you bring it back so that the hitting surface ends up facing upward, as shown in Figure 1. Advantages of a Tennis Slice Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ive included brief stops to help you get a sense for toss placement, contact, point, and racquet angle. Rookie Road may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. It's a defensive shot that you should use on only three occasions:





Dressing up your backhand with slice


If you have trouble effectively hitting the flat backhand, you can use a slightly different stroke that carries many players far in the game the pure slice backhand. As your game improves, learning all three types of serves will allow you to compete at a higher level by bringing variety to your service game. During a slice shot, the racket travels in a downward motion, before slicing underneath the tennis ball. Grass is tough on the arm, though, because the ball hits the racquet with more speed, and more speed generally means more shock and torsion. Thats because racquet head speed is required to create topspin. The type of tennis court surface that you play on can have a major influence on how the game is played as well as on the effects of Tennis on your body. Some people love the camaraderie and sense of interdependence that goes with being part of a larger sporting group, like in a football, soccer, or basketball team. However, by hitting up on the ball, you generate topspin, which can bring the ball back down into the court even though youre hitting up. Join the conversation with other members of the community. In a press conference at the French Open, Dominic Thiem commented on his switch from two-handed to one-handed backhand. The latter has been a key element of Roger Federers defensive game for a number of years. If you are under pressure in a rally and are forced to stretch very wide to retrieve a ball on your forehand side, it is unlikely that you will be able to play a topspin shot. Former US Open champion Bianca Andreescu is one player particularly renowned for her sliced forehand drop shot, which she likes to play with a continental grip. When your backswing is complete, your right shoulder is close to your chin, and your right elbow points in the same direction as your right foot. Similar to the flat serve, youll want to place your toss about 12-18 inches in front of you and approximately 6 inches to the right of your tossing arms shoulder at the peak of the toss, allowing for natural contact with the ball. Nuanced shots can effectively deceive your opponent, causing them to approach the ball incorrectly while increasing the likelihood that they will not be able to return your shot. Friction and surface area explain why slower surfaces are less effective. Basically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke: 1. The first thing you need to do is grip the racket properly. Tennis Interviews. Now that you know the three different types of tennis serves, it pays to keep in mind that each serve can be hit in countless places in the service box, providing you with even greater variety. It is possible to play every single forehand shot as a slice, but this is unlikely to be the most effective way to play. There are many variations of the topspin forehand where players will choose a desired Western or Eastern grip depending on their style of play.


If you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost.

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Michael Patrick Shiels writes frequently for golf magazines and is the official golf writer of the PGA of America's Michigan section. Disadvantages Lack of topspin Lower power potential Difficulty handling high bouncing balls How to Form a Continental Grip To form the continental grip, place the palm side of your index finger's bottom knuckle against the second bevel if you're right-handed or the eighth bevel if you're left-handed. The best choice is, using a continental or Eastern grip, to cut sharply under the ball with a high-to-low action, following through either straight up the court or cutting across the line to impart additional side-spin. 3. For example, if youre up 40-15 when serving, you might throw a big flat serve in to try and close out the game. Those two qualities can catch your opponent off guard and screw up her timing.



A word of caution: Slice backhands make poor passing shots. Slice shots don't bounce as high, either. Hitting a very high lob with some slice, by cutting under the ball with a flattish swing, can give you time to get back into a rally. What Does Game, Set, Match Mean In Tennis? In fact, hitting a slice serve at 75% of your max swing speed can be a great tactic because the sidespin combined with the change in pace will often throw off your opponent. If you look at the top players in the world they know exactly how to use topspin and slice shots to their advantages. If players like to attack the net and volley, they slice a lot.


The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. Heres a video that brings together all the different pieces of a slice serve and once again includes a pause so you can see the toss placement, contact point, and racquet angle as part of the entire service motion. Many players will want to take the initiative from the slicer by hitting an aggressive topspin. Once again, when hitting a kick serve, you should rely on your continental service grip, which is ideally suited for this serve. \"https://sb\" : \"http://b\") + \".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js\";el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el);})();\r\n","enabled":true},{"pages":["all"],"location":"footer","script":"\r\n

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High bouncing balls are ideal for hitting slice shots, but you can play balls at any height with a slice by bending more at the knees and/or adjusting the height of your back and forward swings. To be successful with this tactic, you will need to stay low and develop plenty of racket-head speed, to allow you to control the trajectory of the ball. Dummies has always stood for taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand. Topspin shots are used by most tennis players as their general groundstroke because it forces opponents to go backward. First and foremost, its important to make sure youre using the correct grip for the flat serve. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"

Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). Upper Body Exercises Safe for Tennis Elbow, How to Choose a Grip Size for a Tennis Racquet, How To Handle The High Bounce To The Backhand Side In Tennis. The ball will naturally bounce less on grass, which plays terrifically with the slice serve, which also doesnt bounce high. On your side, there is pressure to hit your second serve in, which forces you to take some pace off the serve and subsequently gives your opponent more confidence in their return. Think of your racquet face as an elevator that you need to move to the right \"story\" or height to pick up the passenger, a bright yellow tennis ball!


4. Low bounce: as the name suggests, flat serves have minimal spin. Many pros, including the legendary Australian champion Ken Rosewall, used the slice backhand stroke as their only backhand. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Tennis Warehouse, Amazon, and other companies linked to on this site. In-depth Resources I seldom make a mistake with my slice but it is very effective at creating UE's from my opponents. Swing forward with a high-to-low motion. A sliced lob can be useful as a defensive measure, but it is generally slower and easier to attack than the topspin version. When the racket and the ball make contact, the racket should be continuously moving in a direction close to perpendicular to the ball. You can see it coming, as it is obvious where the server is hitting the ball to impart the sidespin. Initially, you may be inclined to toss the ball a little farther right than you do for your flat serve to make contacting the side of the ball a bit more pronounced and establish feel. However, your ability to control the point is tied heavily to executing an effective serve that keeps your opponent guessing and prevents them from establishing a rhythm. However, assuming you have the correct serve stance, behind you is parallel with the baseline and an important distinction when it comes to the kick serve. To slice in tennis, a player must angle their racquet and swing downward in a slicing motion.The manner in which the player angles their racquet while slicing downward can be anywhere between fully flat and entirely diagonal.